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They open a call to promote socio-environmental ventures in Atlántico: know the requirements

Through this program led by the company Triple A, which also has the support of the Santo Domingo Foundation, the aim is to enhance skills in entrepreneurs, generating opportunities for sustainable development in communities and territories – Triple A credit

Through an initiative aimed at entrepreneurs in the department of Atlántico, Innova Social opened a call for interested parties to register. The novelty for 2024 is that the focus is purely socio-environmental.

Through this program led by the company Triple A, which also has the support of the Santo Domingo Foundation, the aim is to enhance the skills of entrepreneurs, generating opportunities for sustainable development in communities and territories, providing them with the entry for the execution of a investment or research plan.

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We are clear that our objective in each of the stages of the program will be to identify, make visible and strengthen ventures led by inhabitants of Barranquilla and the Atlántico that have a high potential to positively impact their municipalities,” said Alix Castro, director of Social Capital at Triple A through an official statement from the organization.

Furthermore, he added the following: “We have successfully recorded the results of previous editions, and now we want to take a step forward with the implementation of a socio-environmental innovation program.”

Therefore, Castro expressed the importance for the organization of aligning itself with the city’s proposal led by the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla, in order to promote entrepreneurs whose initiatives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. These objectives cover topics such as the generation of clean water and sanitation, affordable and non-polluting energy, responsible production and consumption, as well as climate actions.

In the same document, José Bedoya Ramos, director of Barranquilla Territorial Development of the Santo Domingo Foundation, expressed: “We are motivated to accompany entrepreneurs in Innova Social 3.0, strengthening their businesses through advice and technical training, so that they can develop new skills and acquire key knowledge for the growth of their ventures.”

Castro expressed the importance for the organization of aligning itself with the city’s proposal that the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla leads, and thus promoting entrepreneurs whose initiatives are framed in the Sustainable Development Goals – credit

Thus, Innova Social 3.0 will carry out a preselection of 50 entrepreneurs with business ideas focused on socio-environmental issues. These entrepreneurs will be visited and evaluated to rate their proposals.

Subsequently, 30 of them will be selected to participate in a boot camp that will use the B2B model. This boot camp will include methodologies such as Design Thinking, Value Proposition Design, Business Model Canvas and Lean Startup. During this phase, participants will learn techniques to perform a pitch winner through Storytelling and Elevator Pitch using GUNS canvases. From this group, up to 15 ventures will be chosen to advance to the final stage.

Finally, the 15 semi-finalist ventures will present a pitch, from which 10 finalists will be chosen. These will receive scaling capital and support to implement their investment plan and improve their businesses or research.

The program will be carried out in a blended-hybrid modality, with individual and group spaces. The winners of the program will have access to training and support from experts who will guide them in their research process, in addition to receiving scaling capital of up to 40 million pesos.

The requirements to participate in the call are:

  • Be led by people over 18 years of age.
  • Have your business in operation for a period of more than 6 months established in Barranquilla or municipalities in which Triple has a presence.

Those interested can apply for their ventures until July 6.

The Cartagena Mayor’s Office, through the Ministry of Education, informed the residents of the Walled city The call for ‘500 Year Scholarships’ is open for those interested in starting higher education studies in the capital of Bolívar.

The program aims to benefit the residents of Cartagena with scholarships with 100% forgivable tuition at one of the 18 higher education institutions allied to the process – credit Johan Largo/Infobae

The program aims to benefit Cartagena residents with scholarships for 100% forgivable tuition at one of the 18 allied higher education institutions. Registration will be open until Saturday, June 29.

Those interested can make their application official by entering the following link: The final list of candidates will be published on July 30, 2024.

Before participating, it is important that those interested meet the minimum requirements, which are: being a graduate of official or non-official educational institutions of the district with enrollment contracted in the last five years prior to the current call, belonging to socioeconomic strata 1 or 2, be included in version IV of the Sisbén in categories A, B or C, and be admitted to a program at an allied university.

The partner universities are:

  • Technological University of Bolívar.
  • Comfenalco Technological University Foundation.
  • San Buenaventura University.
  • National Open and Distance University (UNAD).
  • Colombo International University Foundation.
  • University cartagena.
  • Antonio de Arévalo University Foundation (Tecnar).
  • Los Libertadores University Foundation.
  • Greater University Institution of Cartagena.
  • University Institution of Fine Arts and Sciences of Bolívar.
  • Free University.
  • Minute of God Corporation.
  • Autonomous University of Nariño.
  • University of Sinú.
  • San Martín University Foundation.
  • University of Pamplona.
  • University Antonio Narino.
  • Gran Colombiano Polytechnic.
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