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Extortion in Atlantic municipalities increased by 41 percent


Cases of extortion in the municipalities have increased by 41 percent in recent months, said the commander of the Atlántico police, Colonel John Jairo Urrea.

An increase in complaints was requested, and the community has responded, which is why there is an increase in the number of cases of this crime, considered Colonel Urrea.

The municipalities in which the most complaints of extortion are reported are those in the eastern and southern areas of the Atlantic. Other municipalities affected are Sabanalarga, Santo Tomás and Baranoa.

He specified that, with the launch soon of the new departmental command of the Police based in Sabanalarga, the strategies to fight this crime will be increased.

The commander of the Atlantic Police reiterated that many of these cases come from prisons. “We are working on this issue with Gaula,” he said.

Regarding the facts related to murders of women, Colonel Urrea assured that six cases have been presented in the municipalities this year, two of them framed within the phenomenon of feminicide and these two cases have already been clarified.



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