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This is how the change of smart drinking water meters began to be implemented in the different neighborhoods of Cali

The Municipal Companies of Cali (Emcali) announced that it began changing drinking water meters in the city, which is due to technological advances, direct service, theft and corrective measures, such as inaccuracies in the reading of water consumption.

This change has the main objective of improving the precision in measuring water consumption and guaranteeing quality service for all citizens of Cali.

“Over time, water meters can become less accurate, which can lead to incorrect water consumption readings. The new meters are calibrated to provide more accurate and reliable readings,” explained Angélica Gómez, operational professional I, of the Commercial Water Recovery program.

Micro and macro meters are measuring instruments that record and indicate the volume of water that passes through an element or component of an aqueduct system.

Micro and macro meters are measuring instruments that record and indicate the volume of water that passes through an element or component of an aqueduct system. | Photo: Courtesy Emcali

That is, with this technology, perceptible and non-perceptible leaks can be detected, so users will also benefit. because they will be able to know in time the damages that represent an increase in water consumption in the property, which will be reflected in the value of the monthly invoice.

Regarding old or obsolete meters that are changed, expert Gómez points out that those are the property of the user.

“The user has that meter and Emcali is not in the power to receive it because it belongs to the client.”

With this technology, perceptible and non-perceptible leaks can be detected, so users will also benefit. | Photo: Courtesy Emcali
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