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Dialogue with the people, necessary and beneficial exchange – Radio Guantánamo

The dialogue held this week by the highest leadership of the Party and the Government in the province of Guantánamo with residents of the neighborhood known as El Campito, basically with members of constituency 10, in the Popular Council of San Justo, was described as formidable .

There were just over three hours of open, frank, sincere, respectful exchange, without demagoguery and with transparency, where topics of core interest to the residents were addressed, among others the electro-energetic, epidemiological situation, the regulated family basket and social problems. of the community, starting from social indiscipline and those disengaged from study and work.

Yoel Pérez García, first secretary of the Party in the province, in the introductory words of the debate, said that the objective of these exchanges is to transmit information to the people, in the very complex moments that we are experiencing, a teaching from Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, the creator of open dialogues with the people.

The “ice” was broken by Joaquín Díaz Cantillo, general director of the Basic Electrical Organization (OBE) in the territory with an explanation of the causes that cause the effects on the electrical service, associated with limitations with fuel, the obsolescence of the technology in use, which causes frequent breakages in thermoelectric plants, all aggravated by the genocidal blockade of the US government.

He outlined the extreme efforts being made by the country, with workers in the sector at the helm, to alleviate the effects as much as possible, have a summer with greater generation and transform the energy matrix, with increasing levels of renewable, clean energy, from, basically, new photovoltaic solar parks throughout the nation.

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