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Colombia Look towards Magdalena this Tuesday, June 25

There are more and more regions that are beginning to appear on the national radar for the quality and relevance of its solutions to social, economic and environmental problems. Their leadership shows how Colombia, little by little, begins to put aside its centralist development model to make way for a more plural oneunderstanding the relevance of local actors when it comes to building national well-being.

Precisely, as part of Caracol Radio’s commitment to highlight both the positive achievements in the territories and the initiatives to face their challenges, the next Tuesday June 25 start ‘Colombia Look’ with Magdalena as guest of honorheaded by the governor Rafael Alejandro Martínezwho will visit the station’s facilities during the morning.

It will be an opportunity for the country to know the department’s success stories in education, health, infrastructure, securityamong other sectors.

| Photo: Courtesy Magdalena Government

In the last four years, in the previous four-year term of former governor Carlos Caicedo, according to DANE, Magdalena has managed to reduce its Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) by 12%going from 33.4% in 2020 to 21.4% in 2022, positioning itself as the department with the greatest decrease in MPI in Colombia.

This result has been possible, they say from the Government, thanks to the political will and belonging to the government agendawho has managed to translate speech into action:

“Magdalena Renace is the beginning of a transformation, a revolution, aimed at defeat poverty, build bridges of equity, overcome exclusion and think about opportunities for everyone”, they explain.

| Photo: Courtesy of the Magdalena Government

In addition to its policies to strengthen the health service provider network (more than 771 thousand patients have benefited from ‘Médico a tu casa’, the three new hospitals and the ten health centers), their projects to improve public services for the people of Magdalen (more than 538 thousand beneficiaries with 39 aqueducts) and its programs for housing delivery (‘Mi Casa Por Fin’ already has 8 thousand headlines), the department is one of the strongest references at the national level in the educational sector, campaign banner of the past and current governorship.

Two examples of this are strategies to promote educational freesuch as the Change Scholarships, which have benefited 9 thousand young peopleand programs to increase coverage among the most vulnerable population, such as ‘Yo Yes Cambio, Todos Alfabetizados’, with which around 33 thousand people were literate.

All these success stories will be discussed next Tuesday, June 25 in ‘Colombia Look towards Magdalena’, available on Caracol Radio platforms. The space will be an opportunity for all of Colombia to turn its gaze to what this territory of the Caribbean Coast has achieved and what it has to offer.

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