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Armenia: Fire generated panic in residential complex

The emergency occurred when the inhabitants of the apartment were traveling. Rescue organizations managed to prevent the flames from spreading to other housing units.

A raging fire surprised the inhabitants of a residential complex in the north of Armenia, which leftfour people affected, three of them due to smoke inhalationand one due to a hypertension crisis. In addition, several pets were rescued.

The emergency was generated in tower B in one of the apartments on the fifth floor of theBadajoz residential complexlocated on Carrera 19 and Calle 10 Norte, where relief agencies arrived in a timely manner.

Captain José Augusto Montoya, of the Official Corps ofArmenian firefightersnoted that several citizens were affected, four cats were rescued and that other floors of the building were being affected.

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“Upon arriving at the site we immediately began search and rescue work for people on the upper floors, and later the liquidation of the fire. The final balance is four people treated on site and four cats rescued,” said Captain Montoya.

Beatriz was the person in charge of the apartment while those who live there, her relatives, are spending a few days of rest in San Andrés. She said that, from one moment to the next, after taking the pets for a walk and returning,he smelled smoke.

“They are inSaint Andrewcelebrating my niece’s 15th birthday. “I went in to take the dogs out as usual and I didn’t smell any smell, but when I went up again, I smelled a burning smell and it was already on,” said the citizen.

Residents of the complex, like Ivone Villada, pointed out that once they identified the fire, they managed to help other people by evacuating the other apartments.

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“We were entering the condominium in the car and when we saw the apartment on fire, what we did was get out to tell the people to isolate themselves from the tower area.and we started shouting to evacuate the building,” said Ivone.

Two fire extinguishing machines, a supply unit, a rescue unit,the support of two private ambulancesand the Armenian Volunteer Firefighters.

Both the owners of the apartment where the conflagration originated and the others who were affected,They evaluate the material damage left by the emergency. Among the hypotheses of the causes of the fire is a short circuit in an internet modem.

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