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inspectors ask to suspend controls due to attacks

The attacks and aggressions suffered by traffic inspectors are of such “seriousness” that the municipal unions have asked Mayor Rodrigo Buteler for suspension of controls that drives the Supervision Secretariat until measures are coordinated with the Police to reverse the problem.

The unionists also hope that the municipal Executive considers the risks to which inspectors are always exposed and the training they need to fulfill their duties, without getting upset and worshiping patience, in order to recategorize them and allow them better salaries.

It would be a recognition of a very hard-working activity, just like that carried out by inspectors from other areas of Inspection, such as those of Supply and Commerce, who also tend to be the subject of bad humor and intemperate attitudes on the part of those who are the subject of their controls.

In a letter sent by the union leaders Soyem, ATE and Upcnit is pointed out that the inspection employees of the Transit sector “They have suffered various acts of aggression from verbal to physical”, whose complaints at the police stations “were not received”, even though they should have been made. For this reason, the communal chief is called upon to take action on the matter and determine the necessary means to confront the situation.

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Last Sunday, June 2, an operation was carried out in the Transit sector, which belongs to the Inspection area of ​​the commune. Along the way, some problems were recorded.


“We consider what is happening to be extremely serious,” since it is evident that “our colleagues are facing a great lack of protection, which may cause more serious events to happen in the future and without the corresponding legal protection” in the face of the events that can occur.

As an example of what is happening, the text mentions a recent precedent.

The union letter maintains that, on that occasion, “despite the action of the BMA”, that is, the Motorized Support Brigade of the provincial Police, there was a “refusal to take the complaint by the Police Station” to which He attended, with which the offender returned “to the street, returning to the scene” of the events, where he would have “physically attacked the inspectors.”

The request for the suspension of traffic controls

Due to the above, the union members request “to suspend the operations of the Inspection area until the Municipality articulates with Regional V an action where the subsequent filing of a complaint and/or exposure to an act of violence against the workers is agile.” .

The leaders Marcelino Jara, Matías Luna and Edgardo Abasto, from Soyem, subscribe to the proposal; Elio Vega, from ATE; and Mirian Montiel and Mariela Adra, from Upcn, among others.

When consulted, one of the union members who supports the initiative emphasized that the Transit inspection workers “risk their lives night and day in the streets” by fulfilling the mission entrusted to them, despite which they do not receive the recognition they should. in matters of assets. Nor do inspectors from other inspection areas obtain it, who often also have to deal with adverse situations.


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