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Alfredo De Angeli dusts off his anti-caste lineage to try to remain in the Senate in 2025

Alfredo de Angeli has been in it for 11 years Senate. He took office in 2013, when Mauricio Macri He supported him in that electoral campaign. Re-elected in 2019, he is soon to serve his second term. Although those around him swear that they have not yet talked about 2025, they see qualities in him to confront the caste, pleasing the governor so much. Rogelio Frigerio like the president Javier Milei.

This discipline collaborates with the LLA strategy, without differing in any way from the rest of the six benches of the PRO in the Senate, except for any observation made by the larretista Guadalupe Tagliaferri. In the same sense, De Angeli’s behavior also serves the Entre Ríos governor, since he does not generate conflicts with the Government.

Do not advance plays

In the environment of the leader who knew how to lead the protests against Resolution 125 in 2008 during the presidency of Cristina Fernandez Kirchner They take care to advance plays. They assure that the election year is not on the horizon, not even as a distant speculation. However, they describe protagonists and their relationship with society.

Understanding that, in addition to some political actors who recycled themselves during this time, the government proposes a renewal. That is, figures that are not considered “the caste.” At the same time, those close to the senator say in a low voice that they observe that the libertarian plant shows weaknesses, especially in the provincial Legislature, with legislators unprepared to defend official projects with solvency.

Thus, in this context, they see De Angeli as an actor who can solve two-way problems. First, because he didn’t bring problems to Milei. Quite the opposite can be added. Second, because he does not generate conflicts with the direction that Frigerio gives to his relationship with the libertarian government.

On the other hand, De Angeli was always loyal to Macri. “He never left the PRO block”, they shoot a poisoned dart aimed at the yellow deputy Francisco Morchiowhich integrates We make Federal Coalitionunder the leadership of Miguel Ángel Pichetto. Action that, in effect, he took in full coordination with Frigerio.

Why Alfredo de Angeli would not be chaste

Now, how is someone who has been on a bench for 11 years not chaste? How not to become such a thing, then, if he threatens a third term? In Gualeguaychu They believe that he would become a caste if he settled for a place in the Camera of Deputies or yes, outside the Congress, will stop at a government office in the province. With this argument, those around the senator believe they are skipping the anti-caste narrative. Furthermore, they consider him a political man who provides governability.

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Rogelio Frigerio and Alfredo de Angeli together in a rural event.

The same De Angeli, who was a school in the popular protests during Menemism, then in the cutting of the international bridge with Uruguay during the fight with the pulp mills in the neighboring country and, finally, during the gaucho war of 2008, he says that when he arrived at the Senate, “at the House” he says now, the then senator Adolfo Rodríguez Saá made him a tour around the premises and offices and explained the rules of coexistence. “There is no shouting here. Here we are all equal,” she remembers him telling her. He took note. The man from Entre Ríos became a politician, a man who gives peace of mind to the system. On the outside, he continues to maintain a certain halo of outsiderwhich in anti-system times adds up when defining candidacies.

Agro, Mauricio Macri and Rogelio Frigerio

The senator’s entourage lists assets and cites the possibility of reusing in a possible campaign De Angeli’s belonging to agriculture, a sector with an impact on Between rivers. They know that it is surely not the first option in Frigerio’s head, but they risk that it could become a coincidence name with Macri.

The former president pointed the finger at him and put him into party politics. Since then, the man from Entre Ríos owes him absolute loyalty. Macri also influenced his re-election to keep him in the upper house. Later, although he was a candidate for governor and was close to reaching the Urquiza armchair, retreated before Frigerio’s emergence into the province. Now, fashion is in the air.


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