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Cuba is not alone • Workers

The representation of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights in the Argentine city of Rosario joined the voices that demand this Friday the exclusion of Cuba from a US list of alleged sponsors of terrorism.

Photos: PL

In a letter addressed to the North American ambassador in this South American country, Marc Stanley, said organization stated that the classification of the Caribbean nation with these terms “is a manifestly biased and arbitrary decision, which pursues unworthy motives” and lacks foundations.

Adding Cuba to that list enables decisions and actions to the detriment of that country, denying it access to basic goods and services essential for a dignified life.

Furthermore, it reinforces the criminal blockade that has been in place for more than 60 years and aims to impose a radical change, violating the principle of sovereignty and self-determination of peoples, the letter states.

Likewise, it indicates that, as published by the United Nations Organization on February 8, the unilateral designation goes against international laws and fundamental human rights such as food, health, education, economic and social rights. , to life and development.

It also creates a frightening effect. An analysis of historical processes shows that Cuba is not the sponsor of terrorism, but rather the successive US governments, which seek to impose, at any cost, a change in their internal policy. That is why they insist without reason or evidence on including her as a sponsor, he adds.

The Assembly in Rosario advocates for respect and compliance with international law, demands the exclusion of the island from that list and that all restrictions and measures that maintain a blockade as inhuman as brutal, which for decades have caused enormous suffering and sacrifices, be lifted. to the Cuban people, he concludes.

“Unblock Cuba” conferences in Euskadi and other Spanish regions

The Basque town of Lezama, Euskadi, will be one of the great venues in Spain where days of the “Unblock Cuba!” campaign will be held, the organizers reported this Friday.

There will be several activities that will take place in the Iberian country on June 28 and 29, with the main objective of denouncing the United States economic blockade against the Caribbean island for more than six decades.

According to Cubainformacion, on Friday, June 28 in Lezama, the concert by Cuban troubadour Orlis Pineda will be offered at Oxangoiti Taberna, and a day later at Enaitz Taberna, the presentation of the book “Havana, one year’s day. More than half a century after a Nueva Trova”, by its author, the Cuban researcher Patricia Ballote.

Pineda will appear again at the meeting, which will be preceded by the opening next Monday of the photographic exhibition “Cubans from the heart.”

It is a proposal from the Basque association Euskadi-Cuba to the Cuban photographer Roberto Chile, which brings together around twenty artists from Cuba and the world, showing the prominence of Cuban women in the workplace, cultural, sports and spiritual fields.

At the same time, they denounce “the criminal blockade of the United States Government on their lives and human rights.”

On the other hand, in Madrid the 26th of July Collective will sponsor a day “With Cuba and against the blockade” in a “Solidarity Party” in which funds will be raised to help the Caribbean island in different sectors.

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