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“Worry about your country”: Victoria Villarruel responded harshly to a Spanish MEP, during Milei’s visit to Madrid

Victoria Villarruel and Irene Montero

The differences between the Argentine government and the Spanish left-wing political leaders continue going deeper. This time, Victoria Villarruel and Irene Montero They were the protagonists of a new dialectical confrontation.

The crossfire began with a statement by the MEP and Podemos leader, in the middle of the Argentine president’s visit to Madrid: “We ask the European Commission to act to guarantee the rights of the Argentine people, especially women and LGTBI people. Us worries that the PP (Popular Party) use the institutions to award (Javier) Mileiresponsible for policies of misery and criminalizing human rights defenders.”

Montero’s message caused an immediate answer of the vice president Villarruelwho used his social network account X to make a forceful reply: “Argentina is a free people that does not allow itself to be pressured by any foreign country. We are a proud country that wants its families strong and criminals in prisons, especially those rapists… the complete opposite of youso worry about your country that we take care of ours.”

The harshest reference in the vice president’s message has to do with the fact that Montero is responsible for the controversial law “Only yes means yes”which in principle sought to toughen punishments against individuals who violate a person’s sexual integrity, but, on the contrary, has allowed thousands of sentence reductions and facilitated hundreds of releases of rapists.

In this context, Milei arrived in Spain this morning and will be received with honors by Isabel Diaz Ayuso, who will award him the International Medal of the Community of Madrid. This act generated a huge displeasure in the government of Pedro Sánchezwho maintains a tough confrontation with the Argentine president and with the Spanish leader of the Popular Party (PP).

The PSOE administration sees “anomalous” that Milei does not want to meet with Sánchez and accuses Ayuso of “deep disloyalty” for decorating him. In any case, at Puerta del Sol they are preparing a warm welcome for the Argentine president, who will sign the Book of Honor and will be recognized, in addition to the aforementioned insignia, with a laudatory speech by Díaz Ayuso, who has never hidden his predilection for the leader of La Libertad Avanza.

This same morning, the second vice president of the Spanish Government and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, criticized that the Popular Party (PP), through Isabel Díaz Ayuso, “award” the policies that lead to the “poverty” and the “inequality”.

“This is what the PP is doing in our country, rewarding those who lead to inequality and poverty in Argentina, those who are practicing the policies of pain,” emphasized the Spanish official, who stressed that the management of the Government headed by the PSOE It is “the antithesis” of Milei’s policiesbecause it aims to improve the conditions of workers and advance social rights.

The International Medal that the Argentine president will receive is “the most relevant and prestigious” granted by the regional government. It is given “as recognition and respect of the citizens of the Community of Madrid to the representatives of foreign countries and highest dignitaries of international organizations on an official visit for their institutional work.” It is Díaz Ayuso who decides who deserves the imposition of the badge45 by 45 millimeters and thickness of 5, with a gold cross “whose arms are formed by five-pointed stars” on the obverse, a buckle also made of gold and a ribbon “crimson red like the flag of the Community of Madrid.”

After his visit to Spain, where he also will receive the Juan de Mariana Prize, Milei will travel to Germany: on Saturday, in Hamburg, she will be awarded the Hayek Society Prize and will speak for 50 minutes. The next day she will be received by the German chancellor, Olaf Scholzin a meeting scheduled in Berlin.

Meanwhile, on Monday, June 24, it will reach Czech Republic. In Prague, the Argentine President will receive a new recognition, in this case granted by the Liberal Institute. He will then meet with the prime minister of that country, Petr Fialaand to close he will have a private meeting with the president Petr Pavel. That same day she will begin her return and on Tuesday, June 25, she will arrive in Buenos Aires.

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