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Gustavo Petro in Cauca launches Mission Plan for the department

Archive photograph of the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro. EFE/ Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

After several attempts to be in Cauca, President Gustavo Petro visited the departmentwhere he took the opportunity to announce the Government’s plan in Cauca.

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This program will have as its main axis the integration of actions from different cabinets with the idea of ​​advancing productive and investment projects. This involves vital areas for well-being, such as health, education and even access roads between municipalities.

In turn, this measure hopes to serve the areas most affected by the conflict. Specifically due to the clashes between the Public Force and the armed group led by alias ‘Iván Mordisco’.

The same way, The Cauca Mission Plan will have the focus of improving the conditions of those people who have suffered from the armed conflict in the department. Likewise, the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez, will be in charge of delivering the linking actions between the entities, with the idea of ​​coordinating efforts.

Likewise, the other ministries are involved in Gustavo Petro’s announcement in Cauca, with the idea of ​​implementing more social welfare and development projects.

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Some security restrictions in Cauca

The president’s visit to the department and the frequent cases of confrontations and harassment against the department have forced the authorities to take the following measures; for an indefinite period of time:

  • Restriction on the carrying of firearms: It is prohibited to carry firearms in the city during this period.
  • Prohibition of male and female grillers: This measure is in force since Thursday night and will extend until 8 pm on Saturday, June 22 in the urban perimeter of Popayán.
  • Prohibition of the sale of liquor: This measure seeks to reduce the risks associated with violence during the presidential visit.
  • Alert in the hospital network: An alert has been declared in the city’s hospitals to be prepared for any eventuality.
  • Mobilization of debris and use of drones: The suspension of these activities has been ordered in the surroundings of La Casa de La Moneda and in the Historic Center.
  • Quartering of police and military units: All units in the region have been quartered to respond quickly to any incident.

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