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This way you can apply for the benefit in June 2024

Cali residents who dream of having their own home will have a new opportunity during June 21, 22 and 23, 2024, due to the calls from the Cali Mayor’s Office to apply for the ‘Casa Mía’ housing subsidy.

“I am pleased to announce the second call of the year for the Casa Mía district subsidy, which is intended for the purchase of new housing, of social interest or priority in Santiago de Cali, we will be present at the housing fair organized by Camacol Valle on the 21st , June 22 and 23 at the Mall Plaza shopping center,” said Cali Housing Secretary María del Mar Mozo.

The official added that to apply you must enter the website, where you can acquire the neighborhood certificate and download the application certificate to be able to take it to the housing fair.

“Keep in mind that the main requirements to apply are that the home must be in Cali, they cannot be homeowners in the country, not earn more than 4 minimum monthly salaries, have lived in Cali for the last 5 years, prove resources for financial closing. In addition, applications are free, you only have to pay the cost of the stamps for the neighborhood certificate,” Mozo pointed out.

It should be remembered that this day of subsidies already had a first version, where financial aid was provided to families for around $20 million, thus giving a first push to hundreds of families who want to have their own home.

It is important to mention that spaces are limited, so it is recommended to do your homework quickly so as not to be left out of the benefits that the Cali Mayor’s Office is offering to be able to acquire new housing, of social interest or priority interest.

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