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Former mayor of Magdalena will pay 16 years in prison for “ordering” an attack against a leader

Santa Marta

In the last hours, the Fourth Specialized Criminal Court of Santa Marta found the former mayor of Tenerife, Magdalena, Pierino Moscote Hernández, criminally responsible, for attempted murder. He must pay 16 years in prison for the facts related to a attack in which the leader Rómer Ordoñez Pérez was a victim in August 2016.

It was learned that in this same case They also sentenced a former paramilitary, who must pay 17 years and five months in prison, for the same case. The motives, according to the investigation, have to do with the complaint filed by Rómer Ordóñez against Pierino Moscote for alleged falsification of a private document.

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Apparently, the former municipal president presented a falsified diploma as an electronic and telecommunications engineer from the Autonomous University of the Caribbean. Due to this complaint, the Attorney General’s Office, by ruling of July 15, 2016, disqualified Moscote for 12 yearsby describing the disciplinary offense of the then mayor as very serious by way of fraud, who also, He was sentenced by a criminal court to 16 months in prison for falsifying a document.


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