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The reactions in the Foreign Relations Commission by Hair sayings

The deputy of the National Assembly of Venezuela and one of the main figures of Chavismo, God given hairyesterday criticized the President Gabriel Boric.

Through “Con el Mazo Dando”, the television program of which he is the host, Cabello said: “This fool messes with Venezuela and is incapable of governing his own country,” referring to the President.

Cabello’s statements were in response to an interview in which Boric described Venezuelan institutions as “clearly deteriorated.” Regarding the state of human rights in Venezuela, Boric stated that “seven million Venezuelans have left their homeland. Anyone who doesn’t want to recognize that, the truth is that it doesn’t seem to me that there is much more to discuss about it.”

In this regard, Diosdado accused that Boric “is incapable of governing his country, he has imprisoned the Mapuche brothers, he does not do justice and “He is going to come to talk about human rights in Venezuela.”

The exchange between both figures has aroused recriminations towards Venezuela since the Foreign Relations Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

In the image, the deputy and president of the Foreign Affairs Commission, Vlado Mirosevic (PL). Jonnathan Oyarzun/Aton Chile. Deputies of the RR Commission They criticize statements by Diosdado Cabello about President Boric.

The president of the aforementioned commission, Vlado Mirosevic (Liberal Party), commented that the criticism “They come from the spokesperson of a dictatorship and as such throughout history dictatorships have deceived and manipulated reality, with the sole objective of oppressing their people.”

“For this reason, although Cabello’s statements do not surprise us, the truth is that when they refer to the President of the Republic of Chile, the truth we are not going to accept them. First because they come from a dictatorship and second because They come from an authoritarian left, which has nothing to do with the Chilean one.. Here there are free elections, the opposition is respected, there is full separation of the powers of the State and therefore, their reality is very different from the reality we live in Chile,” he added on the X social network.

In the image, the deputy and member of the Foreign Affairs Commission, Tomás de Rementería (Ind.-PS). Deputies of the RR Commission They criticize statements by Diosdado Cabello about President Boric. PHOTO: DEDVI MISSENE

In conversation with Thirddeputy Tomas de Rementería (Ind.-PS) stated that Diosdado Cabello “he is a clown, who does this from time to time. I am reminded of an old saying that when a pig scratches on an oak tree, the oak tree does not move. That’s Hair. An irrelevant character of an authoritarian government that does not generate anything in the image of the President of the Republic of Chilebut rather it exalts him to receive their criticism.”

The deputy Carmen Hertz (PC) described Cabello’s message as “unacceptable insolence and rudeness.”

For his part, the deputy Raul Soto (PPD) considered that Cabello’s statements are “a lack of respect and an absolutely serious and unacceptable provocation.”

In that sense, he stated that “Chile has to toughen its tone with Venezuela and escalate diplomatic tension using tools of reproach that are much more severe than those used until now.”

“I think that The time has come to withdraw ambassador (Jaime) Gazmuri indefinitely of Venezuelan territory until Venezuela gives guarantees and demonstrates that it will collaborate with our country as it promised. Until now they have not complied, they are not trustworthy and Chile cannot continue to be naive and fall into the game of the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro“Soto added.

In the image, the deputy and member of the Foreign Relations Commission, Raúl Soto (PPD). Deputies of the RR Commission They criticize statements by Diosdado Cabello about President Boric.

From the opposition, the deputy Diego Schalper (RN) expressed to Third that “beyond the provocation, “I am worried about the passivity of the reaction.”.

“I think that President Boric should demand in international forums that the electoral process in Venezuela has independent international observation. “Those kinds of things hurt the dying dictatorship,” he added.

In the image, the deputy and member of the Foreign Affairs Commission, Diego Schalper (RN). Deputies of the RR Commission They criticize statements by Diosdado Cabello about President Boric. PHOTO: MARIO TELLEZ / LA TERCERA

The representatives of the Republican Party, Stephan Schubert and Catalina Del RealThey also criticized the statements of the Venezuelan parliamentarian.

“The level of provocation and disqualification of the government of Venezuela towards the government of Chile and its President has already exceeded all limits. What else has to happen for Chile to break relations with Venezuela? It seems that this artificial conflict that Venezuela is creating It is just a smokescreen to cover their responsibility for the murder of Ronald Ojeda“Del Real said.

In the image, the representative and member of the Foreign Affairs Commission, Catalina del Real (Republicans). Deputies of the RR Commission They criticize statements by Diosdado Cabello about President Boric.

“We can only point out that Gabriel Boric is the democratically elected President. It has many deficiencies, but we discuss those deficiencies here and it is only appropriate for us to speak out about them, unlike Maduro who has a dictatorship and instead of criticizing a government what he should be doing is collaborating with sending to Chile to the people who are responsible for the murder and kidnapping of former Lieutenant Ojeda,” said Schubert, head of the store’s bench.

“Here Chile must make a decision whether it is going to continue trusting and it will continue to advance with the Maduro dictatorship, because until now we have seen that they have never wanted to collaborate with Chile,” added the legislator.

In the image, the deputy and member of the Foreign Relations Commission, Stephan Schubert (Republicans). Deputies of the RR Commission They criticize statements by Diosdado Cabello about President Boric. Dragomir Yankovic/Aton Chile
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