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Great Mission Venezuela Woman successfully served women from the state of Amazonas – MPPS

MPPS Press-. The day of comprehensive health care for 600 Amazonian women was successfully held last Thursday, June 20, by the Great Venezuela Women Mission (GMVM), Vértice I, carried out at the “Cacuri” Initial Education Center in the neighborhood. Táchira in Puerto Ayacucho, Fernando Girón Tovar parish, Atures municipality, Amazonas state.

Care was provided in general medicine, internal medicine, pediatric consultation, dentistry, gynecological nutrition, expanded immunization program, psychology, sexual and reproductive health, humanized birth, GMVM guidance, and delivery of medications.

The inhabitants thanked the government authorities for their attention at that point in the capital of the state of Amazonas, where they received the medical team with love and affection. The GMVM serves all women at every stage of life, providing health security and dignifying them, reaching every corner of the territory.

Thanks to the public policies of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, the Minister of Popular Power for Health (MPPS), Magaly Gutiérrez Viña, through the Single Health Authority, Joskany La Rosa, and the support of the governor of Amazonas , Miguel Rodríguez.

DES Press / Jose Aloyman

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