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He said they “took him away” when they were distracted by a phone call.

Mónica Millapi (35), one of those arrested for the disappearance from Loan Danilo Peña in Corrientes, testified for almost two hours before prosecutors in the city of Goya and told his version of the walk through the orange tree where the 5-year-old boy, who had been intensively searched for more than a week, disappeared.

According to what her lawyer Jorge Monti, who was present at the time of the investigation, reconstructed before the press, the woman He told what the moments before and after lunch were like. where the child participated.

That lunch took place at Catalina’s house, Loan’s grandmother, on the occasion of the celebration of a holy day. Loan with her father, Laudelina and Antonio Benítez – uncles of the missing minor, the latter accused of abandonment – and three of their children. Then the couple Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez arrived with his wife, Millapi, with a daughter and other nephews. Everyone shared the food. The boys at a separate table, except Loan, who stayed next to his dad the entire time, at the same table as the adults.

After the meal, the boys said that they were going to go look for tangerines, not oranges, in the mountains. Along with them are Antonio Benitez, his wife Laudelina, Fierrito Ramírez, Millapi and another young woman, Laudelina’s niece.

According to the version that Millapi declared to prosecutors, during that walk her husband (Ramírez) received a call from his family about the state of health of one of his brothers, who was admitted to a hospital in a delicate condition. For that reason, she says, she took a few steps away from her and kept an eye on her husband for updates on How was his brother-in-law?

In that distraction, he said, he lost sight of Loan. According to his testimony, when the six boys were reunited, the baby was no longer there. “It was convincing. This is going to change the angle of the investigation. There is going to be a twist. For me they took him away, I agree with the mother,” Monti added when reconstructing the testimony of her client. He also added that “the accusation is weak and there is nothing” against Millapi.

After his testimony It was Benítez’s turn, who spent just under an hour in front of prosecutors Guillermo Barry and Juan Carlos Castillo. Ramírez, the third detainee, is expected to speak in court tomorrow to ratify his partner’s alibi.

Loan disappeared on Thursday around 2:30 p.m. When they returned from picking the fruits, she walked forward to the other boys and told them that she was going back to her father, after which she walked away from her with an orange in her hand. Her uncle and her couple friends had been late and would not have noticed that she Loan had walked away from the group.

Castillo accused of “abandonment of a person” to the three detainees, alleging that “the defendants had to take care of the minors in their care and they abandoned Loan to his fate, placing him in a situation of helplessness, since he could not take care of himself in the environment he found himself in.”

However, based on the lack of progress on the initial hypothesis that the child had been lost in the field, It is being seriously evaluated to investigate a possible case of human trafficking, so the case would go to federal jurisdiction. It is a request that Loan’s family and even PROTEX have been making for a few days.

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