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Dissidents from the Franco Benavides front deserted in Nariño

Fourteen members of the front Franco Benavides of the FARC dissidents who commit crimes in Nariño decided to desert the ranks when their bosses They were ordered to reinforce criminal actions in other departments, a situation that could mean that there are internal divisions.

He abandonment volunteering of combatants from the same front was recorded in two cases differentduring the last three weeks.

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The general Geovani Valencia Hurtadocommander of the Third Division of the Armyreported this Friday morning that eight members of the Central General Staff (EMC) voluntarily surrendered to the troops in the El Bordo district, in the Cauca municipality of Patía.

The members of the Franco Benavides They took advantage of the fact that there were soldiers from the Alta Montaña Battalion No. 4 of the 29th Brigade in the area, and they told them that they wanted to leave the armed conflict. Among them were two teenagers, ages 15 and 17, who were later left in the hands of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (Icbf).

The repentant said that they were members from the Franco Benavides front, who committed crimes in Nariño, but who by orders of their superiors were sent to reinforce the front Jaime Martinez in the municipality of Suárez, Cauca, a complex zone of public order in which dissidents confront the Military Forces daily.

“This structure is accused of attacking the Public force and the civilian population in the events recorded in recent days, such as the harassment in the Robles district (Jamundí) and the attacks with explosives on the Police in Popayán, MoralesSuárez, Cajibío, and the attack on the Military Base in La Salvajina, in Cauca,” said General Valencia.

On May 29, the Institution reported another similar event, this time in the municipality of Cartagena del Chairá, in Caqueta.

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At a checkpoint installed by the Navy and the Army on a road, three men and three women showed up, stating that they were members from the Franco Benavides front of the EMC.

They commented that their command had sent them as reinforcements to the Jorge Briceño block, which committed crimes in Caqueta and Goal.

Both events have in common deserters of the Franco Benavides front, from Nariño, whose decision to abandon the dissidents is related to orders from transfer from his superiors, towards an area with the most complex public order.

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