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Despite the rains caused by “Alberto”, dam levels in SLP remain low

Despite the amount of rain that the meteorological phenomenon “Albert” and their remnants have left in San Luis Potosithis has not considerably increased the different dams and reservoirs of the entity, which continue to have minimum records, as revealed by the state civil protection coordinator Mauricio Ordaz Flores.

He explained that, for example, the dam The toll reached only 8.4 percent of its capacity, the San José dam reached 7 percent, the Cañada del Lobo, which is only for containment, reached 25 percent, the El Potosino has only 2.1 percent, the La Lajilla dam 21 percent, the La Muñeca dam 20 percent, the Valentín Gama dam only 1 percent and the The Realito in the state of Guanajuato but that supplies the metropolitan area of ​​San Luis Potosí reached only 5.8 percent.

Read: The Toll Road already has water, it is up to Interapas to distribute it in the capital of SLP: Torres Sánchez

However, Ordaz Flores commented “it must be taken into account that they were all practically empty, at zero, so there has already been progress, also the flows of the main rivers of the Huasteca have been captured and their level has increased.”

Likewise, the person in charge of civil protection in the state was optimistic, since he put into context that “Alberto” is just the first tropical cyclone of the season and the forecast is that there will be more than forty of these phenomena, so there will surely be more phenomena that will benefit Potosí territory with rain and at the end of the hurricane season all the dams may already have considerable levels and even full to the fullest

Finally, he said that there is information that the next tropical cyclone is already forming in the Gulf of Mexico, which would be named “Beryl” and that it will probably have a trajectory similar to “Alberto”, so he maintained that the rainfall practically in the entire state will be extended until next week.

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