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‘Caravan for Life’ in the Banana Zone

Through articulated work ‘trinomial for security’ in the Guacamayal district, Banana Zone, they carried out the so-called ‘Caravan for Life’ led by Colonel Javier Alberto Duarte Reyes, commander of the Magdalena Police Department, in order to guarantee the safety of the inhabitants.

The Community Police, Children and Adolescents group, Human Rights Group, Police Gaula, Criminal Investigation Section, Carabineros Section, Delta Group, Network of Human Rights Defenders of Colombia and the Caribbean participated in this important and significant activity. National Land Agency and National Army.

In addition, there was the participation of the National Land Agency, who made known topics of interest to the community in general, and intervention was also carried out by the network of Human Rights Defenders of Colombia and the Caribbean who provided advice and support to victims of human rights violations, and Criminal Investigation, Human Rights and Gaula officials of the National Police intervened.

For its part, the ‘Dejando Huellas’ group made up of police auxiliaries assigned to the Department of Magdalena, with the support of the ‘Abre Tus Ojos’ group, carried out recreational activities such as: traditional games, face-painting workshops and the dog show.

With the purpose of strengthening principles and values ​​in children and adolescents, in order to create ties of friendship and rapprochement with social leaders and the community in general, to improve citizen security.

It should be noted that ‘The Caravans for Life’ are implemented with the support of Army soldiers and members of the Military Gaula, who aim to prevent the commission of crimes such as homicide, extortion and theft through a citizen surveillance model of the National Police.

This surveillance model is mostly done through background checks, permanent patrols and searches.

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