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The impressive caravan of cows and bulls in the snow-covered fields of Patagonia


The Low temperatures recorded in the South of the country began to worry agricultural producers in the southernmost provinces. In Santa Cruz, for example, images were known of a group of cattle trying to escape the extreme weather that has been impacting the mountain region for several days. Through a sequence of videos, a row of cows and bulls are seen trying to escape from the most affected areas due to the large layers of snow, which represents a challenge for agricultural producers, since they make tasks in the fields difficult and impair access to food for livestock.

In the latest images that recently circulated in WhatsApp groups you can see a batch of Hereford cattle walking through a field covered in several centimeters of snow. According to reports, this belongs to the traditional Tapi Aike ranch. The establishment is located a short distance from “Cerro Castillo” and “Fuentes del Coyle”, as well as the site called “Cancha Carreras”, on the border with Chile, according to the Pat Libros website. There they also indicate that it is located approximately fifty leagues from Río Gallegos and the road that connects the ranch with that port is generally easy and comfortable to travel.

He The National Meteorological Service reported days ago that an air mass of polar origin was expected from the south, along with a low pressure system located in the Pacific Ocean and the east wind that brings humidity, so this causes very low temperatures and persistent snowfall in the center and south of Patagonia and the mountain areas. In that sense, they indicated that at least until the weekend inclusive, snowfall is expected to continue on the plateau of the provinces of Santa Cruz, Chubut, Río Negro and Neuquén, where snow can accumulate between 15 and 60 cm. This phenomenon can also be recorded in the coastal areas of Chubut and Santa Cruz, although with lower values.

In addition, they pointed out that the mountain areas of Río Negro, Neuquén, Mendoza and San Juan will continue with intense snowfall this Saturday. In this region, the accumulated snow will be higher, with values ​​between 50 and 200 cm. Temperatures will remain well below usual until the weekend. On average, there will be afternoons where the highest temperature of the day ranges between -5 and 2 °C, while the mornings, especially in southern Patagonia, will be between -6 and -15 °C. It is not ruled out that in this region the minimum temperatures may occasionally be lower than -20°C.

Days ago, Argentine Rural Confederations (CRA) reported that rural unions work with the government of Santa Cruz through the Agrarian Council to try to enable routes and some secondary roads. They also mentioned that it is essential to make contact with the personnel who are “inland” to make decisions regarding what to do with the existing cattle and sheep farms in the vast southern lands.

The fear of the producers of that region is that there will be no flying that could bury the farm. “If the climate doesn’t change a little, if it doesn’t ease up a little, there are really going to be serious problems because the farm is greatly weakened. And if another event occurs again, the superposition of this type of contingencies causes the loss of production and animals,” a producer from that region explained to CRA. Along these lines, he maintained that they continue to look for ways to keep production and the heads of cattle and sheep safe: “They are our great capital”they said.


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