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The Prosecutor’s Office dismantled the largest freight forwarding network in the country. More than 17 criminals were captured

The Prosecutor’s Office carried out raids and arrest operations, simultaneously, in three departments. At the same time, in the early hours of this Thursday, the criminals who managed to take over the freight in half of Colombia were captured. Together with the Police and the Navy, it was possible to stop the gang known as the Bonnie and Clyde.

The gang of freighters was known as Bonnie and Clyde and they are responsible for thefts in the freight modality in 11 departments of Colombia. | Photo: Prosecutor’s Office

“The leaders of the organization would be husbands who lived on the Atlantic Coast. The woman, identified as Zurelys Paola Lamadrid, is one of those detained. “Apparently, she was in charge of obtaining vehicles, motorcycles, airline tickets, weapons and cell phones to facilitate the transfers and the execution of the robberies,” said Deicy Jaramillo, director of territorial security of the Prosecutor’s Office.

What the researchers notice after the findings that were made during months of investigations is that the criminals identified their victims and organized trips so that the entire organization would meet in a certain city, carry out the crime and attack the people who arrived at the entities. banks to be the million-dollar transactions.

“Others posed as clients to enter banks, select or mark citizens who withdrew large sums of money in banks, and deliver the specific characteristics of financial users to a specific group that “He was in charge of following them and carrying out the assaults with firearms,” ​​said the Prosecutor’s Office when explaining the roles that the criminals played.

There were 17 captured by the Prosecutor’s Office in simultaneous operations that were carried out in the cities of Cartagena, Barranquilla, Cali and Lorica, in the department of Córdoba. But other criminals who were held in prisons, but who managed to coordinate the robberies from there, were also prosecuted.

“The investigations revealed information to thwart 60 cases of freight. Likewise, they account for 200 victims of this illegal network and thefts exceeding 700 million pesos in amounts,” explained Director Jaramillo.

The gang of freighters was known as Bonnie and Clyde and they are responsible for thefts in the freight modality in 11 departments of Colombia. | Photo: Prosecutor’s Office

In guarantee control hearings, the Prosecutor’s Office presented the necessary evidence material to demonstrate the alleged responsibility that these criminals would have in more than 60 cases of theft in different areas of the country, the way in which they acted and How was it possible to identify that the thefts in departments other than Colombia had common perpetrators.

“A prosecutor from the Support Structure (EDA) of the Popayán Section charged the 17 captured, according to possible responsibility in the events, with the crimes of qualified and aggravated robbery, attempted homicide, conspiracy to commit a crime; and manufacturing, trafficking and carrying of firearms, accessories, parts and ammunition,” the Prosecutor’s Office warned.

The gang of freighters was known as Bonnie and Clyde and they are responsible for thefts in the freight modality in 11 departments of Colombia. | Photo: Prosecutor’s Office
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