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Alderetes Rock seeks to establish itself as a stable date for bands from Tucumán

There is a story behind the fourth edition of Alderetes Rock, but fundamentally there is a projection towards the future. The festival that will take place this afternoon, starting at 6:30 p.m. at Cerberus (Obispo Colombres 316, in front of the main square of that town) will bring together exponents of Tucumán rock with emerging artists of urban rhythms, to enhance the communicating vessels between music.

The grid announces Karma Sudaca, Antigua Rocca, El Contuvernio, Jonas TBM, Eme, Mindifer, Lugue, Dyamant17, Baptismintraition and Youngthin. A fanzine and crafts fair will also be set up on site (with the participation of Sofia Astier, Julieta Rocío Santos and Belen Jerezamong others), a tattoo stand and the DJ will perform Fabrizio Barrera at the end of the recitals and for the celebration to continue, along with gastronomic stalls.

The production of the event is the responsibility of Silvio Narvaja and Cesar Sanchez, musicians from the Alderetense rock scene who considered the need to revive the genre in the east of Tucumán. “Alderetes Rock was born as a festival in 2006, and had two more editions in 2007 and 2012 with the aim of promoting the artistic activity of the city’s bands along with the participation of groups from the capital. With this fourth edition, we seek to establish the festival as a fixed space where musicians from all over the province can show their art,” they highlight.

Narvaja claims that “on this new occasion, space has been given on the billboard for the musical expressions of urban music (rap, hip hop, trap), because in this way we show that we understand the new times and fundamentally we provide support to youth and their needs to tell their realities; We also expanded in the development of other cultural activities with the fairs that will be held there.”

“Adding urban rhythms implies generating a rapprochement between generations, connecting youth with their concerns and giving rise to a generational change for rock, along with being a contribution to local musical culture. Both rock and rap, for example, generate a space of identification where social realities can be expressed from a critical and artistic vision,” adds Sánchez.

The Pileton is filled with humor and music with the Pujllay

“Currently, there are many rock bands in the interior. Alderetes seeks to generate its own space for its expression, as is already happening in Tafí Viejo and Concepción, among other locations. We are generating this movement among friendly musicians, all at our own pace, with the collaboration of commercial establishments in the area and some from the capital,” he adds.

The expectation that the activity will become a fixed annual event will depend “mainly on the artistic proposal that is presented each time,” the organizers acknowledge. “That is why our lineup will have very important bands from the Tucumán scene, new expressions and a DJ in charge of the musicalization of the event, as well as paying attention to all the organizational aspects and the safety of the participants. assistants”, they highlight.

The Pool

In the capital, rock will also sound intermixed with other proposals. With entry to the cap, there will be a new date at El Piletón in Avellaneda Park (Avenue Mate de Luna and Paso de los Andes), where from 5 p.m. Estimated Vergara, Zona de Nadie, Nervio, Garganta Cumbiera, Niko.B, Dil will perform Valium, Lord of Riffs and Awqanaku, among others.

Furthermore, at CiTá Abasto de Cultura (La Madrid 1,457) 180 Grados will return with its great review of national classics with its own style.

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