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Scientists confirm the hottest month of May; VI Tropic Convention 2024; They provide evidence of the presence of the oldest fresh water on earth › Noticien › Granma

A study carried out by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States, confirmed that the month of May 2024 has been the hottest recorded on the planet since reference data is available. based on reliable systematic measurements. According to the source itself, the months that preceded it, from June 2023 to April of this year, are also the warmest for any time, a behavior that corresponds to global warming encouraged by the growth in greenhouse gas concentrations. greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Likewise, the last ten consecutive years rank as the warmest reported since this type of record began to be compiled at the end of the 19th century. Scientists from that institution proposed that the average temperature of the Earth in the last 12 months was 1.30 degrees Celsius above the baseline of the 20th century…

Organized by the Institute of Tropical Geography of the Environment Agency, together with the Institute of Ecology and Systematics, the Institute of Meteorology and the Faculty of Geography of the University of Havana, among other institutions, from October 22 to 25 The VI Trópico 2024 Convention will be held at the capital’s Hotel Nacional, under the motto Towards a prosperous, circular and sustainable development. The program of the event includes the celebration of the 6th Congress of Tropical Geography, the 5th Congress of Biodiversity and Tropical Ecology, the 6th Congress of Tropical Agriculture, the 5th Congress of Tropical Meteorology and the 5th Colloquium on Environmental and Forest Law. Sources from the organizing committee notified Granma that the topics to be discussed include Physical Geography, components and processes, Geomatics and Sustainable Development, Integrated management of terrestrial and marine spaces, Landscapes, challenges for territorial planning and management, Ecological tourism and local development and Circular economy, challenges and opportunities for Geography…

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The results of recent research published in the academic journal Nature Geoscience suggest that the water cycle emerged on Earth around 600 million years after its formation. By analyzing ancient mineral crystals in the Jack Hills mountain region of Western Australia, Australian scientists from Curtin University and the Curtin School of Earth and Planetary Sciences provide the oldest evidence of the presence of fresh water and, consequently, the appearance of land emerging above sea level, which covered the planet. The discovery represents an important step forward in our understanding of the early history of our planet, and opens the door to new explorations of the origin of life.


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