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The “Muni Junto a vos” continues touring neighborhoods of the city

Residents of the Belgrano neighborhood area were provided with various health services, advice, DNI processing, administrative procedures and training, during a new day of the operation “La Muni Junto a Vos”, carried out by the Secretary of Human Development of the Municipality together with the Province.

The campaign was carried out in facilities and streets adjacent to the Neighborhood Participation Center in the Belgrano neighborhood, where multiple services are provided.

On this occasion, “La Muni Junto a vos” had the particular participation of the students of the primary school No. 10 “General José de San Martín” of the homonymous neighborhood and the students of the Polimodal School No. 3 of the Belgrano neighborhood .

Daniel Ruiz, head of the Decentralization Directorate, said that “on this occasion we were assigned to the CPV Villa Belgrano, together with the Provincial organization, headed by the Ombudsman’s Office, Civil Registry, etc. and the different areas of the Secretary of Human Development. ”.

Meanwhile, Pablo Tobar, coordinator of Community Approach, emphasized, “we continue to provide services in the different neighborhoods of the city and they will continue to be provided as every week together with the provincial organizations” and added that, “we are trying to add one more day because the demand is great.”

Finally, Fabio Garnica, head of the Belgrano Neighborhood Participation Center, said that “we have the “Muni Junto a vos” operation with municipal and provincial organizations, providing services to the community, with procedures and advice; also showing all the training workshops offered at the CPV in the Belgrano neighborhood.”

Among the workshops, which operate morning, afternoon and night in the municipal body, are: electricity, tae kwondo, cutting and sewing, leather goods, dog grooming, easy fiber, painting and drawing.

Residents of: San Martín, La Merced, Tacita de Plata, Puente Otero, El Chingo and Punta Diamante were assisted.

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