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Passerini regulated the financing of the Youth Participatory Budget

  • They will have 10% of the resources of the Neighborhood Participatory Budget allocated.
  • The CPC Youth Nodes will be spaces for the development, presentation and execution of public policies decided by citizens.

Mayor Daniel Passerini signed the decree that establishes the financing of the Youth Participatory Budget, a project that is already a State policy.

This initiative, promoted by the Municipality of Córdoba since 2023, allows young people to have decision-making power over the policies that are implemented in their neighborhoods.

In May of this year, the Deliberative Council approved the project, which is now a reality.

“I celebrate this Ordinance because it has had discussion, it has incorporated opinions from a constructive dissent and a better Ordinance has been built. Politics is a collective fact and only serves when it is generated in that way,” were the words of the mayor, Daniel Passerini.

“There are young people who group together in institutions, schools, social organizations that are part of an organized community and dream of improving the place where they live. Now the State is also present, providing tools and contributing to democracy and generating solutions,” Passerini concluded.

The PPJ will have 10% of the resources allocated to the Neighborhood Participatory Budget guaranteed, so that young people can decide the destination of those funds.

Each CPC will be in charge of announcing the different meetings around the PPJ, where social, cultural, technological, environmental projects, among others that have an impact on the territory, will be put on the table.

“This month we will finish inaugurating the 16 Youth Nodes, so that the state can go out, ask, articulate and work in coordination with the community and those young people who have demonstrated a vocation for transformation and be filled with that transformative energy,” expressed the Secretary of Citizen Participation and Youth, Juan Domingo Viola.

At the same time, the general director of Youth, Martín Giesenow, highlighted: “Today is a day of great happiness. This Ordinance has marked a before and after in the institutionalization of public policy.”

Youth Participatory Budget

It is a process of direct, permanent, voluntary and universal intervention in which young citizens, together with the local government, deliberate and decide on the allocation of public resources.

Its objective is to generate a formal space for the participation of young people in the development, presentation and execution of public policies based on the definition and prioritization of demands.

Once a year, the winning projects from each CPC jurisdiction, their financing and execution (partial or total) are selected.

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