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An archer from Andacollo – Diario Río Negro

In the pluri-ideological cabinet of Rolando Figueroa there are conjectures regarding what role each person has, in a ccomparison with a football team. Not in the style of Arsenal in the English league that Javier Milei intends, but more of cabotage and Neuquén.

The team of collaborators who elected the last three governors had their mark. J.orge Sobisch and Omar Gutiérrez put their personal touch on it, and there was no detail, from the day of payment to the state to a relevant investment, that did not go through them. If anyone dared to cause even the slightest annoyance, he had his ticket out, like when José Brillo claimed that his desire was to be a candidate for an elective position.

Gutiérrez was “the articulator” and his ministers should not stray from the parameters that he defined with certainty. He had a hard time straightening out and even entertained himself with decisions that were not publicly known. He supported the minister Vanina Merlo when he ignored the claim of the self-convened people on the day of the event for the Malvinas. He also kept Abel Di Luca until it was possible with the research that was being carried out in Social Development.

Jorge Sapag, on the other hand, gave some freedom of action to his ministers (for good and bad) and, true to his diplomatic style, when he wanted to change, he asked everyone to resign and only accepted that of one or two. The eviction of an occupation is remembered where the current minister Jorge Tobares was on one side and his Security counterpart, the current councilor of the MPN of Cutral Co, César Pérez, was on the other. The governor, in this case, was in charge of what he considered hyper-important, which is obtaining funds, and thus he managed to go down in history as the facilitator of Vaca Muerta.

In F’s officeigueroa there were doubts regarding coexistence in diversity and, in the first semester, it was agreed that there is a respectful harmony. A detail that differentiates him from the three previous leaders is that they try to be in the trenches. In this way, a small problem does not grow until it becomes unmanageable, as was the union issue with Sobisch, the political supporter of Sapag, and that of the intensely ignored minorities of Gutiérrez.

Everyone believes, no one says it just in case, that Figueroa 11 is the Minister of Energy, Gustavo Medele. In the middle of the field is Rubén Etcheverry, although he would like to be, without hesitationthe court itself, but they already told him no.

They say that the person in charge of public relations is Tobares, who does not avoid attending to everything from a protest by application workers to union captains in the State. There is also a substitute bench (so the headlines don’t get excited) composed of some of the secretaries, and also of leaders who are not currently in the government.

Paying attention to the internal details meant that, as the car began to circulate, the melons did not settle by themselves and, then, he had to raise the sign at the game and make changes to the Luciana Ortiz Luna’s portfolio and in Corroza’s.

No one doubts that two and three, without distinction, are Juan Luis Ousset and Julieta Corroza. The latter depending on the goalkeeper.

Who is the archer in your cabinet?”asked Río Negro Newspaper. “I am the goalkeeper, I have no other choice. Every now and then I would like to head a corner to see if I score a goal, but I’m the goalkeeper. And they chose me to administer and manage,” he responded.

He recognized that there is a myth that paints ““pink” the swings of power, but he said that in his case this is not the case because he must face the stress of growth that the province suffers every day.

He claimed that it put him in a good mood and that every day he asks himself what problem to solve that day. He also described that to be a good goalkeeper you are evaluated with the goal a little bigger, with the floor muddy, with the area not marked and sometimes perhaps with the referee not very in favor. An archer born in Andacollo.

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