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This way you can contribute to a pension in Colombia for days or weeks

Photo: Valora Analitik

The approval of the Petro government reform opens the door to being able to contribute to a pension in Colombia for days or weeks. The above is based on the fact that it is necessary to formalize various economic activities that are carried out in the country.

According to the document, the proposed changes also take into account the requests of employers in the country, since it makes some hiring conditions more flexible.

With this as a basis, contributing to a pension in Colombia for days or weeks can begin in July of next year.but it will be necessary to keep in mind the amounts quoted and the punctuality of the days worked on which the respective quote is made.

It must be taken into account that this proposal had already been proposed in the country, but was rejected by some labor confederations at the risk of precarious working conditions.

For this occasion, the Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez, assures that the changes They are precisely in favor of improving the conditions of workers in the country.

How will you be able to contribute to a pension in Colombia for days or weeks?

  • Between 1 and 7 days: a minimum weekly quote

  • Between 8 and 14 days: two minimum weekly contributions

  • Between 15 and 21 days: minimum weekly contributions

  • More than 21 days: four minimum weekly contributions (equivalent to one minimum monthly salary)

It is read in the approved pension reform that “the national Government, within the information system for social protection for old age, disability and death, will design an interoperable technological tool, available in the territories, with a differential approach, that reduces the burdens or procedures for affiliation and payment of contributions to the system of comprehensive social security, which facilitates affiliation, payment of contributions and access to social protection in rural areas that encourages formality.”

The above at the time that the Government, through regulations, will define the monitoring schemes to mitigate the risks associated with the use of the figure “as a means for job insecurity and the impairment of the rights and guarantees contained in this law for the benefit of the workers.”

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These are the pillars of the pension system in Colombia

  • Solidarity pillar: for all those over 65 years of age, which are 2.5 million people, They will be given an income above the poverty line, equivalent to $223,000

  • Semi-contributory pillar: it would provide an income to people who could not retire, but who have weeks in Colpensiones or savings in their individual account in private funds

  • Contributory pillar: there would be all the people affiliated with the System, where Colpensiones will receive contributions up to the first 2.3 minimum salaries contributed and the Pension Fund Administrators will receive contributions that exceed that limit.

  • Voluntary individual savings pillar: It would be for those people who have the ability to pay can save with this mechanism to obtain a better pension

Recommended: Since when will the pension reform come into force?

It must be taken into account that the regulations to be able to contribute to a pension in Colombia for days or weeks will take into account modifications, the document says, to the collection system through the PILA.

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