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They call the group that would start working with Mayor Yahir Acuña in ‘paramilitaries’

The person who has most criticized the formation of the private surveillance groups for Sincelejo is the human rights defender, the doctor Juan David Díaz, who He calls the group that would go to work in the security of Sincelejo paramilitaries.

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“There is great concern among citizens, because they do not understand that, with a public force existing, money is invested in a personal army: ‘Águilas Negras’, ‘Convivir 2.0’, ‘Nuevas Autodefensas’money that can be invested in the community,” said doctor Díaz, son of the murdered mayor of El Roble, Tito Díaz, by paramiliatres, after he reported death threats, before the then president of the time, Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

This social leader points out that the presence of these people (100 armed men who would tour the city on motorcycles and in black overalls) in Sincelejo It would be the resurgence of self-defense groups in the region and that it would begin with this city.

“It is a time to which we do not want to return. “We do not agree with this surveillance group for Sincelejo,” she expressed.

Livestock farmers and unions do support

It is a time to which we do not want to return. We do not agree with this surveillance group for Sincelejo

On the other hand, the implementation of the private surveillance groups for the cityas a complement to the work carried out by the public force, has received the support of ranchers of Sucre and guilds of the city.

I speak on behalf of not only the ranchers of Sucre, but also the Inter-Union Committee, of which I am authorized, to give support to the mayor of Sincelejo, for the creation of the mobile security fronts.

The first to raise his voice in favor of the project was the president of the Federation of Livestock Farmers of the Department, Gabriel de la Ossa, who stated that the mobile security squad is decisive support for passers-by, ranchers, commerce and the community. in general.

“I speak on behalf of not only the ranchers of Sucre, but also the Inter-Union Committee, of which I am authorized, to give support to the mayor of Sincelejo, for the creation of the mobile security fronts,” he stated.

This social leader also pointed out that merchants and ranchers in the region cannot have a police officer permanently at their side to avoid being extorted.

Private security front for Sincelejo

Photo:Sincelejo Mayor’s Office

Security with social investment

With these mobile groups, security in Sincelejo and people’s perception are improved, but the social issue item must be included so that ordinary citizens can have better conditions.

For the president of the Sucre ranchers’ union, The era of paramilitarism is a situation that will never happen again, because there is no will for that. It was a sad, bitter and black moment that happened.

“With these mobile groups, security in Sincelejo and people’s perception are improved, but the social issue item must be included so that ordinary citizens can have better conditions, so that there is employment to reduce hunger. Security with social investment, that is the key,” she assured.

The mobile security squad, according to the mayor of Sincelejo Yahir Acuñawill enter work in parks, other public places of Sincelejo, infrastructure works and places with a lot of personnel.

They are former members of the public force

Yahir Acuña, mayor of Sincelejo, during the press conference where he presented the new security strategy.

Photo:Sincelejo Mayor’s Office

They will be linked to a duly legally registered security company. These companies do not go beyond their competencies

The vast majority of the 100 members of the mobile security group They are former members of the public force, who will work in 8-hour shifts, also using the motorcycle to get around.

“They will be linked to a duly legally registered security company. These companies do not go beyond their powers, at the country level the territorial entities have had private surveillance and what we seek is to improve the perception of security in the city,” said Mayor Yahir Acuña.

The official highlighted that these groups will not have the tasks of the National Police and will only have tasks of crime prevention and persuasion of acts of violence.

75 percent of merchants support

Spokespersons from the Sincelejo merchants’ union welcome the fact that there is more surveillance in the city, considering that more security is needed in different sectors of the city.

On the part of the union of organized merchants of Sincelejo, 75 percent welcome the implementation of the mobile squad, but they also request that a type of audit be carried out on the company Viper, in charge of the men who make up the surveillance group.

Yes, the mayor is welcome to the constitution and the law to make this contract, because it is needed to safeguard the security of Sincelejo.

“It is also necessary to supervise the company and especially the work of the boys who are part of the group,” they indicated.

The merchant Elías Sánchez also welcomes the surveillance squad within the framework of legality, stating that there are entities that carry out control and investigations on these issues.

Recognizes that in the city there was an increase in theft from commercial establishmentsarmed robberies and murders.

“Yes to the mayor, the constitution and the law authorize him to make this contract, he is welcome, because it is needed to safeguard the security of Sincelejo,” he indicated.

Finally he said that security is needed in the city.


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