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The search for Loan moved to Chaco | Raids on two homes in Resistencia

The search for Loan Danilo Peñathe 5-year-old boy who disappeared on June 13 in the Corrientes town of 9 de Julio, He moved this Sunday to Chacoafter the Federal Justice of Goya ordered raid two homes in Resistance.

The Chaco Police and the Federal Resistance Unit Division began operations in the morning in two houses located on Pasaje Humaitá 1310 and Necochea 915 streets, properties that correspond to a family with the same surname. Personnel from the Canes Department also collaborate in the procedures.

Also present at the site are the Deputy Chief of the Chaco Police, Commissioner General Manuel Victoriano Silva; the executive director of the Center for Police Analysis, Command and Control (CEAC), Commissioner General Cristian Antonio Durán; the Director General of Investigations, Commissioner General Roberto Gamboa; and the director of the Investigative Police, Commissioner General José Martínez.

The hypothesis being investigated

These procedures are carried out within the framework of a new line of research: it is believed that the 5-year-old child is victim of a trafficking network and they took him to Resistencia and then cross it to Paraguay.

According to investigation sources, the suspicion is that after having been to his grandmother’s house, the boy He would have spent at least one night in a house of the kidnappers in the town of 9 de Julio.

The next day, in accordance with this line of investigation, the captors They would have left with the child towards the province of Chaco in a car and a truck, with the aim of cross the child from there to Paraguay.

Bullrich’s statement

This Sunday, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichreferred to the search operation for Loan, when the 10 days since the child disappeared.

“The Ministry of National Security is involved in the case of the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña in all the requirements that the Justice of the province of Corrientes asks of us,” the official published on social networks, in what appeared to be a response to the criticism made about the lack of public intervention by the minister in the case of Loan’s disappearance.

As he explained, the ministry made “specialized personnel, dogs, Scientific Police, Argentine Naval Prefecture and Argentine National Gendarmerie available to find the child.”

In this framework, the text says, “The Ministry must comply with the safeguarding of information to protect the integrity of the case.”

“It is not that we do not provide information, but that we preserve it in a professional manner to achieve the objective of finding the creature”the minister defended herself and highlighted that intention: “We are not commentators on the case, we are dedicated to resolving it.”

Finally, he recalled that the Line 134 to “provide any information that serves to clarify the cause, responsibly, since we will investigate each call with the seriousness that the case demands.”

The weekend operations

This Friday, the cause of Loan’s disappearance took a turn, when the police arrested María Victoria Caillava, former Municipality official; her husband, Carlos Pérez, a former prefect; and the local police commissioner, Walter Maciel, who began the search for the little boy and then authorized the couple to travel outside the town.

This Saturday, the police carried out a raid on the home of Caillava and Pérez, in the town of 9 de Julio, in order to find some clue about the case of the 5-year-old boy. During the operation Excavations were carried out in the garden and the interior of the house was exhaustively searchedfrom where the investigators took various elements.

Caillava, Pérez and Maciel were detained late on Friday, shortly after the opening of a federal investigation was announced, which analyzes a possible case of trafficking.

After learning of the arrest, the Municipality of the Corrientes district of 9 de Julio fired Caillava, by decision of Mayor Hugo Ynsaurralde. “The Executive Department considers the decision to immediately disaffect and remove said official from her duties as reasonable and appropriate”the municipality indicated in a statement.

The Corrientes Ministry of Security also ordered the passivity of Commissioner Pérez and the beginning of an administrative summary of his case.

As investigators determined, Caillava was present at the family lunch where the child was last seen., since she had been invited in her capacity as a friend of Loan’s grandmother. Her arrest occurred after one of the Police dogs detected traces of Loan in two of the three vehicles examined that belonged to her and her partner. Shortly before being arrested, the woman claimed that she “had Loan clothes planted on her.”

There are three other detainees in the case, who are those who supposedly went out “looking for oranges” with Loan before his disappearance: Bernardino Antonio Benítez, the victim’s uncle; and a couple friends of Benítez, composed of Mónica del Carmen Millapi and Daniel Ramírez, accused of abandonment of person.

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