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Merlyn Cruz: ‘The opera tries to survive in Cuba without the support and dissemination it deserves’

Radio Encyclopedia was the first contact of the Cuban mezzo-soprano Merlyn Cruz with classical music. Her mother tuned the station at home and thus she introduced her little daughter to the works of great composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Debussy.

At five years of age, Merlyn Cruz began his musical preparation with private teachers. At ten he entered the Manuel Saumel Conservatory to study violin.

Pursuing his dreams, he transferred to the Alejandro García Caturla school, where he graduated from elementary level in choral conducting. At the age of 16 he entered the Teaching Unit of the National Lyric Theater of Cubaa quarry within musical training, specialized in training lyrical singers.

He has been a soloist in operas such as The Traviattaby Giuseppe Verdi, and Requiemfrom Mozartas well as in zarzuelas Near the river and Cecilia Valdes. In Cuba he founded A Piacere, his own lyrical singing companywith which he worked for three years.

“We were a soprano, a mezzo, two tenors and a baritone. In addition to that we had a pianist and a cellist along with a producer, a costume designer and a makeup artist. In total, we were about ten people,” he remembers.

“We were performing at the Hotel Sevilla, we also worked at the Hotel Brisas de Jibacoa, at the Meliá Habana and in other places that appeared as ‘houses of culture’, at private events, but we had to close due to lack of work, because in “Everything in Cuba is declining and there was no possibility of paying so many people.”

In September 2023, Cruz decided to settle in Spain, with the desire to fulfill his professional dreams. And he is on that path: She was signed to the Alicantina Lyric Company. Founded since 1969, this company enjoys prestige within Spanish zarzuela and internationally.

Lyrical singing is not very popular in Cuba. What made you choose it?

Yes, unfortunately lyrical singing does not have the same strength as other genres, but I still choose it because I believe that classical music is one of the highest expressions of the human being and, therefore, making this type of music connects you more with what divine.

Which company did you belong to and what is the situation of lyrical singing now in Cuba?

I belong to the National Lyric Theater of Cuba (National Opera). Since the end of September 2023, I joined the Lírica Alicantina company because I moved to Spain, but I feel like I am part of the Cuban lyrical scene, because most of my training has been in it.

The opera in Cuba tries to survive, sadly it is not given all the support it needs or the dissemination it deserves. So much so, that the Teaching Unit of the National Lyric Theater of Cuba, the school where I trained, does not know if it will reopen. Something that threatens the training of future singers, in addition to the massive emigration that the country is currently suffering. Many young artists leave in search of a better future.

Tell us a little about your career in Cuba.

After graduating with a high school degree in Lyric Singing, I did my social service at the Opera de la Calle company, where I spent two years. Afterwards, I worked for a year in the Mefisto Teatro company and spent another year in the Habana Clásico company. Later, I returned to the choir of the National Lyric Theater of Cuba and, at the same time, I created A Piacere, my own lyrical company, which operated for three years.

I was in the chorus of the Lyric Theater for two years and then I became a soloist. As a soloist, I began to study at the Higher Institute of Art, from which I graduated as an excellent student. During all that time I entered several national and international competitions, I toured Europe and also received master classes from great singers and teachers.

I remember that you gave private classes to children. Tell us about that experience.

This stage of my life is one of the most beautiful, because I consider that I not only trained artists, but also formed more complete and sensitive human beings, since I also taught them music history, art history and cultural movements.

I found this method wonderful for students to give their best. I remember all my students with great affection and I keep all the details they had with me when I educated them.

We met at a rap event. Tell me about your experience with that urban genre and with these musicians who do not come from an academic background, and are sometimes frowned upon.

Despite coming from a completely classical background, I like everything that is musical innovation or experimentation. I believe in the fusion of music and I like to know and learn from all artistic currents. I think rappers have a lot to tell through their art, and they are often frowned upon because they tell the truth without filters. I like the artist who is committed to his time and has true stories to tell.

How did you decide to stay in Spain?

I like Spain for its culture and geography, I think it is a wonderful country with a certain resemblance to Cuba in terms of humor and temperament. Before I had been to Chile, Mexico, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Poland and Germany, but the one where I have felt most welcomed has been in Spain.

How did you get to the Alicantina Lyric Company?

Through a friend. When I arrived in this city I didn’t know anyone and a friend contacted the company and told them that a soloist from the opera was here and was coming to settle. The director called me directly and asked me if she wanted to be part of the company, and I really feel very happy working with them.

In November 2023 was your debut with this company. How was that first night?

I felt very well; better, impossible. The room was full and the reception from the public was very good. Both my colleagues and other people congratulated me. I felt very happy to sing in Spain, a country has a great lyrical culture.

That night we made an anthology of zarzuela called The Arrow, the Sword and the Rose, which included pieces from Pharaoh’s court, where I played The Queen. From the zarzuela The Moorish Queen I did the love duet of Coral and Esteban. From our great teacher Ernesto Lecuona it was performed, from the Cuban zarzuela China Rose, the romance of the same name. Also included in that anthology was the “Chorus of the Zingaras”, by The Traviataby the composer Giuseppe Verdi, in which I played Flora.

What expectations do you have with these doors that open to you?

I hope to continue sharing my voice with the world and especially with Spain. Grow as artists and sing with figures of international stature

What do you miss about Cuba?

What I miss the most is my family, my dog ​​and my friends. I really wanted to leave Cuba because of all the sadness we are experiencing today and the poor management of the Government, but now that I am far away I understand that the most beautiful country in the world is the one where one is born and, even if one goes to the most far from the planet, he always carries his land in his veins.

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