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Two councilors were shot when they left La Picota prison, in Bogotá

Reference image./ El Espectador Archive.

Photo: Cristian Garavito

On the afternoon of this Sunday, June 23, 2024, an attempted hitman was reported in the country’s capital. Police authorities reported a shooting at the exit of La Picota prison against councilors Alexy Olmedo Perlaza and Edwin Garces Pineda who were leaving the detention center after visiting one of the convicts in cell block 8.

The councilors, from the municipality of Mosquera, Nariño, were intercepted by other men in La Picota around 4:00 pm After the incident, the lobbyists were sent to a medical center, where they are being treated. Sources informed El Espectador that one suffered serious injuries.

According to Noticias Caracol, “One of the politicians has a wound with a single-load firearm projectile, in the right thigh, with a fracture. At this time, the patient is stable. The other councilor is a 40-year-old man and also has gunshot wounds, but at abdominal level, so he will undergo surgery. In addition, he also has gunshot wounds to his right arm and right leg.”

The Bogotá Metropolitan Police revealed new details about what happened in the vicinity of La Picota prison, in which the councilors of Mosquera, Nariño: Alexy Olmedo Perlaza and Edwin Garces Pineda, were victims.

Lieutenant Colonel Óscar Landazábal, operational commander of Citizen Security in Bogotá, said both men were visiting a captured person when an attempt was made on their lives:

“They were hit by several shots fired by what, apparently, would be a firearm (…) According to the first investigations carried out, the victims of these events would be two people from the municipality of Mosquera, Nariño, and who according to the first medical reports, at the moment they are stable,” said the senior officer.

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