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They were caught when they were running through the fields with a stolen 50-inch TV

Criminals do not rest and this was confirmed by a family of Year it, who was forced to contact the Police in the middle of the night for the theft of a 50-inch television. The incident occurred yesterday, in the Las Parcelas sector, and thanks to an immediate deployment of personnel from the Police Station 10, the criminals were intercepted when they were trying to run away through the farm area. The arrest took place near Provincial Route 17.

The thieves were caught and taken to the police unit. After being identified, it was found that both were of legal age and were at the disposal of the prosecutor’s office.

Police prevention also favored another positive result in the town of Plottier, where two criminals who were linked to a series of robberies were caught.

As reported by the Police, the preventive operation was deployed in the early hours of yesterday and the two men who were traveling in a car were delayed because they did not have the documentation for the vehicle, a Ford Fiesta, and they also had a weapon at the door of the car. companion.

The task was led by agents of the Seventh Police Station and took place around 4:40 near the intersection of Lugones and Santa Fe streets. The Ford car was intercepted after it was learned that it could be linked to a series of criminal acts. Surprised, the thieves were unable to hide a weapon they were carrying in the passenger door.

Both the firearm and the vehicle were seized and the two men were brought to justice. Among other measures, authorization was awaited to completely seize the vehicle.

Plottier police stations with intense activity

Also in Plottier, a dynamic deployment had to be carried out against a suspect who tried to escape on a bicycle. The procedure was carried out on Avenida Constituciónntes and the criminal was subdued by the police personnel of the Seventh. When it came to collecting the detainee’s personal information, they found that he had an arrest warrant filed for the crime of theft.

Along with the Seventh, the Plottier Unit 46 He joined the preventive deployment at different points and on Friday, in order to carry out controls for the long weekend, he was in charge of a high-impact procedure at the intersection of Avenida Constituciónntes and Calle Alberdi. At the scene, more than fifty vehicles were identified and 7 violation reports were drawn up.

A bike thief was taken by a neighbor

In this capital, as in the towns of Añelo and Plottier, preventive operations were deployed in the central area and the neighborhoods and the personnel of the Police Station 16, In one of his interventions, he stopped a thief who was trying to steal a bicycle but was surprised by its owner. The procedure took place on Saturday, at the intersection of Cayastá Street and Avenida del Trabajo, and according to what was stated by the Police, the criminal was subdued by the owner of the bike and held until a police cell phone approached. San Lorenzo neighborhood police station.


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