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Judicial inspection was carried out at the Casa de Nariño due to the Marelbys Peña case

On the morning of this Monday, June 24 researchers and experts from the Military and Police Criminal Prosecutor General’s Office carry out an inspection in the Narino Palace for the case of the polygraph test to which the former nanny of Laura Sarabia’s son, Marelbys Meza, was subjected in January 2023.

The diligence was advanced by uniformed members of the DIJIN Judicial Police attached to the Military Criminal Prosecutor General’s Office and Policearound 8:00 in the morning of this Monday, June 24.

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With this inspection to the Narino Palacejudicial officials seek to collect evidentiary material elements linked to the evidence of polygraph carried out irregularly on Meza after being accused by Sarabia of having stolen a briefcase with money from the house of the current director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre).

For this fact the Attorney General’s Office investigates Colonel Carlos Alberto Feria, accused of having ordered several of his subordinates locate money that was lost from Laura Sarabia’s residence on January 29, 2023.

According to the accusing body, Fair would have had an official vehicle to transport Marelbys Meza, she worked in Sarabia’s house as her son’s nanny, from her home in Soacha (Cundinamarca), to the Galán building, where the Polygraph Room of the Casa de Nariño operates.

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Then, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, the captain Gomez Gutierrez and Mayor Sacristán Bohórquez, allegedly received the woman, stripped cell phone and they performed the test, in which they asked questions that suggested his responsibility in the loss of the money.

The entity also indicated that members of the Dijín Judicial Police passed Marelbys Meza off as a cook for alias Siopas, one of the leaders of the “Gulf Clan”, so that a judge could endorse the interception of his cell phone.

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