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Speaking “hue…”?: Iván Valenzuela clarifies the controversial and unexpected ending of a live interview with Mario Desbordes

One of the most recent topics discussed on social networks was the journalist’s alleged outburst Ivan Valenzueladuring an interview with Mario Desbordes in Central Tablefrom Channel 13.

When the dialogue with the candidate for mayor of Santiago ended, Valenzuela His tongue got tangled and there were many who heard a word that was inappropriate for the seriousness of the interview and the program.

With Mario Desbordes, this morning here at Central Tabletalking (?) …about so many thingsamong other things from the Municipality of Santiago,” says the driver at the end of the conversation.

The moment quickly went viral and was trending topics of X within a few minutes.

What did Iván Valenzuela say?

Aware of the scandal it generated on the web, later Valenzuela had to come out to clarify what he meant. She called it a “misunderstanding.”

It occurred to someone that I had said something that in more or less formal Spanish is like: ‘we were talking various nonsense’“, the communicator began explaining on T13 Radio.

Obviously not. I would have to be born again to say something like that”, he assured. “It is a very strange thing and I have received links from media that put it as news, assuming that it was like that and in that sense, it is very annoying,” he said.

The interviewee also referred to the matter. “As some distorted the driver’s final words, today Iván makes clear what was already clear in the audio. It seems that there is a lot of nervousness in some Fake News champions”, he launched through your account in X.

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