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Commitment and love for their sector was experienced in the “Pereira I want you clean” day in the Villavicencio commune

The Villavicencio de Pereira commune was an example of civility and commitment, after the fulfillment of the day “Pereira I want you clean”, which is carried out together with the different and decentralized secretariats of the municipal administration, where an Intervention is carried out for the improvement and beautification of public spaces and where the community, in joint work with Megabús and MegaCable officials as sponsors of said commune, carried out tasks of cleaning, painting, marking the court, planting gardens, pruning trees, in the sports center of Calle 4 with Carrera 8, with the aim of transforming and revitalizing well-being spaces for the population.

This beautiful day that is beginning to be incorporated into the Pereira identity, also had the support of the staff of the Infrastructure Secretariat, the Pereira Cleaning Company, the operator Atesa de Oeste and Firefighters, to carry out the washing and painting activities, as well as the pruning of trees, the installation of new cement benches and the complete spraying around the sports center, thus guaranteeing a more harmonious, clean and welcoming environment for children, young people and adults.

The manager of Megabús Darío Acosta, expressed his satisfaction with this teamwork initiative carried out, assuring that, “we are today at the Villavicencio Sports Center, in a very beautiful and beautiful program that Mayor Mauricio Salazar, who is “Pereira”, is working on. I want you clean”, making beautification, decoration, painting to these sports venues that are so important for the community, so that children, adults, seniors come and enjoy these spaces of entertainment and fun, we continue with this “Such a beautiful plan to give benefit and culture to these people from this community of Villavicencio.”

For local leaders, presidents of Community Action Boards, representatives of associations and foundations, these work events framed in “Pereira I want you clean” are fundamental for the well-being of everyone and the city, as Luis Cartagena expressed it, leader of the Commune, who said that “we are very happy in the Villavicencio commune, with the idea that Dr. Mauricio Salazar had, with Pereira I love you Clean, it is excellent, because we are uniting, the entire commune in a treat, in the which, jointly with Megabús, MegaCable, the Cleaning Company, we see that the commune is clean, it is very beautiful, because we all come together to have the commune clean, I want to tell the doctor and all of us who participate, thank you very much because “We are moving this community forward.”

For Carlos Alberto Pulgarín, also a leader in the sector, these activities lead to generating spaces of culture and empowerment, “at this moment we are developing the activity Pereira I love you clean, which brings as an intention of love, inviting all our neighbors to generate culture of hygiene and take it to all our families, so that we are empowered and always have our commune clean. Thanks to Dr. Mauricio Salazar Alcalde.”

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