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“The Aysén region is in a state of abandonment by the State” – G5noticias

Deputy Miguel Ángel Calisto expressed his concern after the Central Bank assured in its regional GDP report for the first semester that Aysén is in last place, with a negative figure that reaches almost 10%.

Given this, the legislator urged the Government to promote measures to reverse this situation, accusing that “the Aysén region is in a state of abandonment by the State.”

According to deputy Miguel Ángel Calisto, “the truth is, we are not surprised by the information provided by the Central Bank about the collapse of Aysén’s GDP. Our region has a very different reality from the rest of Chile, and from Santiago they don’t seem to understand that. “Here the main economic activity comes from the coast and obstacles are constantly placed on the development of this industry, which generates uncertainty and affects investment.”

“First was the discussion of indications promoted by the executive himself in the processing of the SBAP, where the presence of salmon farming in protected areas was limited. Then we have the disproportionate requests from Ecmpo, which only generated uncertainty. If we add to this the very low budget execution and the elimination of the Pedze (Special Plan for Extreme Areas), we find ourselves with a region that lacks public investment and also makes it difficult for private investment to be realized,” stated Calisto.

Finally, the legislator added that “it is no coincidence that we are the only region in Chile with negative GDP. The call is to the Government to take action on the matter and we can reverse this situation.”


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