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Who is it? Sanjuanino buys trucks with bottomless checks

In the formalization hearing and abbreviated trial held, Judge Guillermo Adarvez sentenced Rodolfo Duilio Rosales to three years of conditional imprisonment and three years of disqualification from holding a current bank account or operating third-party accounts. This conviction arises from the accumulation of three files against him: issuance of bad checks and two cases of fraud.

The first of the events dates back to January 16, 2024, when Roberto Ceferino Flores reported that Rosales had bought him a Ford 600 truck, giving him three bad checks for a total of $3,500,000. As a result of this complaint, file MPF-SJ-04906-2024 was initiated, but the truck was not found at the defendant’s home.

The second caseor was reported by Mario Federico Bazan on April 24, 2024. Bazán stated that Rosales bought him a truck Mercedes Benz Vito for $10,000,000giving him a check with a spelling error and invalidity supposedly issued by the company Miryam Poultry. This complaint gave rise to file MPF-SJ-06908-2024, and allowed the seizure of the truck at Rosales’ home.

The third case was generated when, upon kidnapping Bazán’s truck, the police also located the truck Ford 600 in the possession of Jorge Antonio Guardia. Guardia had purchased the truck from Rosales for $2,000,000 in cash, plus two installments of $50,000 each. This gave rise to file MPF-SJ-07728-2024, in which Guardia denounced Rosales for fraud.

The accumulation of these three files allowed the conviction of Rosales for issuance of bad checks and fraud by deception in real bankruptcy proceedings, as material author. The fraudster was sentenced to three years in prison with conditional compliance and the definitive delivery of the Mercedes Benz Vito vehicle to Mario Bazán and the Ford 600 truck to Roberto Ceferino Flores was imposed.


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