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They have four or five named relatives

June 24, 2024 – 09:27

The libertarian and businessman reference Javier Galanthought that it would be positive if some sessions of the Chamber of Deputies move to the interior of Catamarca as a possibility of rapprochement. “Many people write to me about the problems that exist in Santa María and other points in the interior. It may be an opportunity for all the people to come to hold the deputies, who are from the entire province, accountable for what is happening that they do not look inward,” Galán explained in a note with Radio Ancasti Central Morning.

Contrary to the position of the deputy of Freedom Advances Federico Lencinawho asked to be consistent with the expenses that these sessions would cause, Galán destroyed him in his statements.

“Those who accuse the issue in this way should look inward because there are appointments of relatives or a salary is collected that is not actually being of benefit to the people of Catamarca,” he began.

“In the private sector, if you do not present a resume and do not show that through your work you can obtain profits for the company you work for, they will not hire you.” “Now, would the private parties hire those who are today as deputies, for example, Mr. Lencina? “Would they hire him?” He ironized.

He also targeted the other libertarians in this “friendly fire” and against the rest of the deputies due to the volume of workers in the Chamber of Deputies.

“The number of people quadrupled and all sectors are responsible, because they are making use of that benefit. Also those who entered and are new have four or five relatives among those named,” she explained.

He said that “they are all in the same bag, Peronists, radicals and the new libertarian sector” that did not comply with what he proposed during the campaign.

“In the campaign I said it, we have to be a zero cost to the people of Catamarca because we cannot charge a salary of 3 million and talk about issues that have nothing to do with the people of Catamarca. And today we talk about the internal that we libertarians have because we have different ways of acting.”

For Galán, “we must show with facts, because a lot was said in the campaign and today they show us something different” from LLA in the province.


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