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Zubizarreta marks the route to Salaverri

Rubén Salaverri was able to enjoy San Juan on the Fuenmayor fronton and in front of his people. Zubizarreta and the Rioja defender won 22-16 over Senar and Ugartemendia after a match that did not have the excitement of a close score, except in a couple of chances, but which offered good shots from the defenders and finishing from the forwards.

Very hot heat. The thermometer read 27 degrees on the front. In the stands they surpassed each other. So, once the festival was over, the respectable man left the fronton in search of fresh air, but not before greeting the great protagonist of the afternoon.

Iraitz Zubizarreta opened the afternoon with a winning left shot. And it was not the only one, since the Ataun striker was very successful near the front. He added points with stops to the corner, hooks and openings to the width and even some caroms. It was, without a doubt, the most attractive thing of the afternoon. Both forwards did not shy away from getting involved and the respectable man appreciated it. It was his role, just as it was the defenders’ role to hit the leather. Both offered good shots, taking the ball to ten after winning three frames after the bounce.

Two errors by Zubizarreta and Salaverri, plus a serve, gave those in blue the only advantage of the afternoon, 1-3. Her rivals, more veterans, quickly neutralized her. They wanted to control the game. They went 7-3 after three winners from the forward, one from the defender and two misses from their opponents.

That attack was not the only one. On the contrary, it constituted the tone of the confrontation. From 7-3 it went to 11-4 with Zubizarreta dominating the game in the happy squares and Salaverri without suffering from a distance. Those in blue fed on errors and it was not until the sixth goal when Senar won a ball parallel to the side wall. The scoreboard already read 13-6, which later became 15-6. Match resolved?

If Zubizarreta was enjoying it, Beñat Senar did not want to be any less. He lived his moment and put the score at 15-12 after six winning actions, including his second serve. The youngsters grew, but an error by Ugartemendia stopped them, although they came within a goal on two occasions, 16-15 and 17-16, but a mistake by Senar allowed those in red to recover serve and thus begin that series of four goals, two successes and two errors, towards victory. Pleasant afternoon for Salaverri and the stands.


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