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GOPE Aysén rescues a family isolated by snowfall in Lago Frío –

The rescue was possible thanks to a call for help made by a young man through an amateur radio, which allowed Carabineros to deploy a specialized GOPE Aysén patrol. Equipped with adequate equipment, the agents managed to advance along route X-659 and continue on foot in an area with knee-deep snow. Petty Officer José Muñoz, in charge of the patrol, indicated that they managed to reach the Valle Hermoso sector, where they found the family in a cabin without food.

The team verified the health status of the family group and provided thermal clothing, gloves and gaiters. In addition, they used a sled to transport the young woman and her belongings safely. The family was transported without problems to the El Fraile intersection, where a police car from the El Blanco Retention Center was waiting for them. Subsequently, protocols were carried out to verify injuries and corroborate her state of health.

Petty Officer Muñoz took advantage of the occasion to remind the community of the importance of properly planning visits to the mountain, considering appropriate clothing, food and hydration. He also emphasized the need to inform the corresponding organizations about any activity of this type, indicating the number of members, place to visit, route and return time. In addition, he stressed the importance of taking into account the hours of light and not traveling outside the established footprint or path.


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