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Hackers in San Luis Potosí Disable Website

On the website of the government access to the state section was disabled formalities and services provided by state agencies, after it was hacked by the group of hackers rooterror.

This morning, this media revealed that the website had been intervened and incapacitated by the group of hackers of Tijuana.

The site of Record Unique of Formalities and Services, to which more than 30 state agency websites refer so that the user can see what formalities should be done for certain matters and what services they provide.

Until yesterday, Sunday, when entering the aforementioned address, one was directed to a screen with the legend “pwned by rooterror“, in reference to the fact that the site had been hijacked by the group that has also intervened in official pages such as the Sedena and the INAH, as well as the Liga Mx soccer team.

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Today the page remains inaccessible on the website. government statebut now, by clicking on the link Formalities and Services, presents a screen with the legend “Rutys Site out of service” and refers to a new page, that of the Record State of Formalities and Services, where the information that appeared in the RUTyS is presented.

After a page was hacked, J. Guadalupe Torres Sánchez, head of the General Secretariat of the State Government, said that it is expected that there will be no major inconveniences for users.

He commented that, in the case of the agency he heads, the staff of the Transparency Unit reported that the server was modified, which is why, from now on, the one who regulates the new platform is the Ministry of Economy (SE).

“This is requested directly by the Public Registry, the Civil Registry, and well, from there it is uploaded, but this was recently,” he said.

Until last Sunday, when entering the address, it was directed to a screen in reference to the fact that the site had been hijacked by the group of hackers.

(With information from Rubén Pacheco)

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