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They request sentences of more than 7 years for the directors of the financial company Agrinvert – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

In her argument, the prosecutor of the Complex Economic Crimes Unit, Ana Inés Salinas Odorisio, maintained that during the trial it was demonstrated that it was a pyramid scheme that harmed numerous people.

Ana Inés Salinas Odorisiorequested the judge of Room 2 of the Trial Court of the Central judicial district, Eduardo Raúl Sángarithe sentence of effective compliance for Maria Rosa Manzano, Alejandro Daniel Cedrón and Eduardo Martin Kidronfrom the financial company Agrinvert SA for the crime of fraud.

The prosecutor presented evidence that supports the responsibility of the accused in scamming different people through Agrinvert. The Prosecutor argued that the operation carried out by the Cedrón and Manzano brothers falls within a pyramid scheme, a scheme that attracts victims by promising significant short-term profits through continuous reinvestment and the incorporation of new participants. This type of fraud continues as long as new investors enter; However, when the inflow of new funds dries up and investors wish to withdraw their money without reinvesting it, the scheme collapses.

In the case of Agrinvert, the victims signed loan contracts in pesos, providing various sums of money for investment with the expectation of obtaining benefits. The financial company agreed to return the capital with interest within a specified period. However, according to the victims’ testimonies, the defendants promoted their business mainly among people with high purchasing power, generally friends and acquaintances, who in turn referred other family members, thus extending the scope of the fraud. Initially, the firm complied with interest payments, but subsequently stopped doing so, defrauding investors.

For this reason, prosecutor Salinas Odorisio requested that María Rosa Manzano be sentenced to seven years in prison for effective compliance, considering her the author of 26 acts of fraud; For Alejandro Daniel Cedrón, he requested a sentence of seven years and three months for being the author of 27 acts of fraud; and for Eduardo Martín Cedrón, three years in prison for being a necessary participant in 26 acts of fraud.


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