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Last minute to Pinar del Río

On July 1st, the last minute sale and departure of passengers traveling to Pinar del Río by the National Bus Company (EON) will begin to operate from the Almendares terminal, near the intersection of 100th Street and Boyeros Avenue. .

Currently, people interested in traveling to that province through the waiting list must remain at the Villanueva terminal and the buses travel there (near Havana Bay) from the National Bus terminal (in Plaza de la Revolución) in a completely opposite direction to Pinar del Río.

Photo/ Secret Nature

A solution such as moving the last hour to Boyeros, optimizes travel times, passenger transfer and fuel consumption, due to its location very close to the national highway and the central highway, roads through which one travels to Pinar. from the river.

During the month of June, organizational modifications have been made to implement this change. The Viajero Company organized the work of its ticket offices to add to the sale of train tickets, those of buses. In turn, the EON carried out tests on the street adjacent to the Almendares terminal to ensure that buses can transit satisfactorily, make their cuts at the parking lot exit and park with the required space, this for both small buses and buses. Large Format.

Photo/ Secret Nature

The signaling, lighting and patching tasks at the entrance to the terminal on Boyeros Avenue are missing, to which a small demolition of the containment for the transit of buses was carried out. The work has been delayed due to heavy rains.

To the city of Pinar del Río there are 6 daily bus departures, to which are added those from Mantua (Tuesdays and Saturdays) and Sandino (Mondays and Fridays). The train routes Artemisa – Havana, Batabanó – Havana and Pinar del Río – Havana pass through the Almendares terminal; Therefore, starting July 1, travelers who decide to wait in Almendares for a faulty bus will also have the opportunity to board the train to Pinar del Río or another intermediate municipality.

Photo/ Secret Nature

In addition, efforts are being made to move the area where passengers stay and pick up private means of transportation from the national highway under the 100th Street bridge to the parking lot of the Almendares terminal. Currently the conditions are created, said parking lot remains empty almost all day, and has more than 20 parking spaces.

This would allow travelers bound for Pinar del Río to have up to 3 transportation alternatives in one place, with the possibility that each person can choose depending on the opportunities and their possibilities.

By: Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Cuba

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