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Salta participated in Paraguay in the 5th forum on the Capricorn Bioceanic Corridor – International

06/25/2024. It took place from June 18 to 21 in the cities of Philadelphia and Loma Plata, Boquerón department, in the neighboring country. The delegation traveled the entire route by land and surveyed the state of the routes, especially the sections where infrastructure is being renewed.

From June 18 to 21, a delegation made up of officials from the Government of Salta participated in the 5th Capricorn Bioceanic Corridor Forum held in the cities of Philadelphia and Loma Plata in the department of Boquerón in the Republic of Paraguay.

It was headed by the representative of International Relations of the Province and president of ProSalta Julio San Millanand the authorities of the Ministry of Production and Sustainable Development who have been managing the development of the Capricorn Bioceanic Corridor: the undersecretary of industry and president of the Industrial Parks Entity Carlos Mateo, the undersecretary of Commerce and MSMEs Luis García Bes and the ministerial coordinators Nicolas Sivila and Luis de los Ríos. In addition, the head of the Chamber of Foreign Trade participated from the private sector. Javier Cerúsico.

Also participating in this Forum were representatives of the Government of the Republic of Paraguay and the Governments of the subnational territories through which the corridor passes, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Alto Paraguay and Boquerón (Paraguay), Salta and Jujuy (Argentina) and Tarapacá and Antofagasta (Chile). There was also a strong participation of businessmen from different sectors.

During the conference, topics such as logistics, trade, infrastructure, services, customs, ports, sustainability and social issues were discussed. A business round was also held.

The commitments agreed upon in previous forums were reviewed and new work for the future was agreed upon. Finally, monitoring commissions were formed for each topic in which the representatives of Salta have strong participation.

In his speech at the inauguration ceremony, San Millán highlighted the strong commitment that Governor Gustavo Sáenz has to regional integration through the bi-oceanic corridor and the progress and claims to the National Government that the province has been making in this regard.

The delegation traveled the entire route from Salta by land, especially highlighting the section that crosses Paraguay, where strong progress has been made in infrastructure works on the corridor route. The officials crossed the bridge over the Paraguay River that connects Puerto Murtinho, (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) with Carmelo Peralta, (Alto Paraguay, Paraguay). This important work is scheduled to be completed in 2025, along with the paving of the 225 km between Mariscal Estigarribia and Pozo Hondo, which will be completed in 2026.

It should also be noted that in the layout of the corridor in the province of Salta, the pending paving projects on National Route 51 are advancing. Meanwhile, in relation to the development of the General Güemes Logistics Node, tenders for the properties and improvements are being prepared. railways of the C12, C13 and C14 branches, among others.


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