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Government decides to intervene in fires in Santa Cruz because it says that the capacity of the Government was exceeded

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June 25, 2024, 11:29 AM

June 25, 2024, 11:29 AM

The Deputy Minister of Civil Defense, Juan Calvimontes, reported this Tuesday that It was decided to intervene in the forest fires in the department of Santa Cruz because it is considered that the technical and logistical capacity of the Government of said region of the country has already been exceeded.

“Yesterday we had access to information provided by the Government of Santa Cruz, I have the impression that the Government of Santa Cruz no longer has the operational, technical, or logistical capacity to be able to face the fires, we have the impression that it has already been exceeded “, said.

Given this situation, Calvimontes announced that this Tuesday will enter the fire zone with an Army helicopter and members of the Joint Command Response to Adverse Events.

The government authority, in a press conference held in La Paz, specified that they will intervene in the Santa Cruz municipalities of San Matías, Roboré and Puerto Suárez.

“That is, we are going to establish ourselves in each of those municipalities and The Armed Forces, through the Joint Command, will take operational control of the fight against fires because, I reiterate, the Government no longer has operational or technical capacity, it has been exceeded,” he insisted.

Calvimontes, on the other hand, reported that until Monday afternoon, 3,100 heat sources were recorded in Bolivia.

Santa Cruz is the department that has the highest concentration of heat sources with 1,939; followed by Beni with 819; Potosí, 123; Peace, 106; Cochabamba 59; Oruro, 29; Chuquisaca, 19; and Pando, 6.

So, “there is an increase in heat sources due to the chaqueos and the burning of grasslands that have occurred earlier this season,” he noted. ​

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