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Cuban Armed Forces show “muscle” on social networks

The Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR) of Cuba showed “muscle” on social networks with a video in which they celebrated the combativeness of the border battalion with the United States naval base in Guantánamo.

“To the pride of Eunomia, her family and all Cubans, the name of Ramón López Peña honors today the combative vanguard of the Cuban troops that safeguard the national territory against the illegal United States Naval Base in Guantánamo,” stated the MINFAR this Monday in X.

The publication showed different military exercises and maneuvers of the Cuban soldiers, including the agricultural work to which the soldiers of the Border Battalion, located in the Guantanamo town of Caimanera, are assigned.

A Russian-made Ural truck with a rocket launcher, a tank and another gun truck were shown in fast motion, with epic music in the background.

The video also showed part of the military training that Cuban soldiers receive, their camp and a banana plantation where one of them was weeding the weeds.

The images left much to be desired about the “combat vanguard” of the FAR and showed antiquated and almost obsolete military equipment, as well as some weak, poorly dressed soldiers who barely managed to form the battalion.

It is difficult to decipher MINFAR’s intention by extemporaneously remembering Ramon Lopez Penathe first Cuban soldier to be shot by Marines from the Guantanamo Naval Base.

The event, which occurred at dusk on July 19, 1964, ended the life of the 18-year-old young man, a native of Puerto Padre. The older brother of ten others, López Peña was the son of Las Las Tunas farmers. Andres Lopez and Eunomia Peña Pérezwho dressed as a militiawoman when receiving the news, according to the official encyclopedia Ecured.

In fact, the text shared by MINFAR in its tweet is taken from the last paragraph of the file corresponding to the young soldier.

Immersed in a geopolitical whirlwind due to its alliance with Russia Vladimir Putinthe Cuban regime continues to show its loyalty to the Kremlin.

Declarations in the diplomatic sphere, facilities for the deceptive hiring of Cuban mercenaries by the Russian army, opening of Cuban ports to Russian Navy ships, and constant displays of strategic alliances in the political sphere, as well as cooperation in the military sphere, mark the relationship of the government of Miguel Diaz-Canel with his Russian counterpart.

After the arrival in Havana of a Russian naval flotilla composed of a battleship, a nuclear submarine and two support ships, the United States sent to the Guantánamo Naval Base to the nuclear submarine USS Helenawhich arrived on June 14.

It is unknown if the nuclear submarine still remains in Guantánamo Bay, or if it left when the Russian flotilla withdrew from the port of the Cuban capital. In any case, MINFAR has taken advantage of all the commotion caused to show its willingness and combative capacity. Pretty poor, by the way.

But the Cuban Armed Forces pride themselves on studying Sun Tzu. If the Chinese military strategist, author of the War artstated that “the best war won is the one that is not fought with weapons”, the Cuban military adapts its philosophy to its gonads and its testosterone peaks.

They proudly recognize that it was “the norm” in the Border Battalion “the brave attitude that the Cuban soldiers spontaneously assumed.” [era la] to stand firm and calm in the face of the enemy and his projectiles”.

In February, a Russian television report showed the preparation received by the special brigades of the FARknown as “black wasps”.

“Few people have seen them, but many have heard of them; In this edition, we will talk about one of the most closed and little-known special forces in the world: the united special mobile brigade of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba,” indicated the Russian television channel on its social networks.

In the words of the reporter, the “black wasps” are capable of carrying out “acts of sabotage in enemy territory.”

The emphasis on this military capacity of the Cuban army once again puts it in the foreground the Russian interest in demonstrating its alliance with the troops led by Minister Álvaro López Mierain a context of worsening Russia’s conflict with the Western powers due to the invasion of Ukraine.

90 miles from the United States, Cuba continues to strengthen its military cooperation with Russia while tension grows between both opposing powers in the Ukrainian war scenario. He also does so ostensibly with the allied regime of Belarusled by the autocrat Alexander Lukashenko.

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