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The Government was contacted by Pettovello to distribute part of the retained food in Mendoza

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From Government House they entrusted ONE Diary that they are already in contact with Human Capital “to find out details” and that this week there will be definitions.

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Human Capital called on the provinces to distribute food in schools

Although the judicial case remains standing, and The Nation appealed to the Federal Court of Criminal Cassation the ruling that confirmed the precautionary measure ordered by Casanello, the Ministry complied with the judge’s request for a report to prevent a complaint from being filed.

In this report presented, Casanello’s order on the food distribution scheduleIn it, Pettovello reaffirms that the merchandise will be delivered to schools and reveals that for this purpose the provinces were summoned.

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In the letter, he assures that the products were deposited for a specific emergency and catastrophe purpose and that “they had not been distributed by decision of the previous government.”

He also informs that 465 tons of powdered milk have already been distributed through Conin close to expiration and what was left of corn flour, which was distributed in Capitán Sarmiento, Buenos Aires.

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“In relation to the distribution of food in the vulnerable schools, we call on all provincial Ministries of Social Development to participate in the distribution of the food that this Ministry has in stock, as appears from the attached records – it appears in the document -. The percentages of food allocation in the participating provinces will be defined based on a logic of distributor of food resources using the ICSE (Index of Social Context of Education)”, says Capital Humano in the report presented to federal Justice.

And he adds: “The expression of will must be made within the peremptory period that runs from June 24 to 28 of the current. Once the aforementioned deadline has expired, we will work exclusively with the provinces that have decided to receive food to achieve, as quickly as possible, their delivery, which will be reported in detail to the Court as it is finalized. Accession will imply the obligation to proceed with the withdrawal, at the expense of the jurisdiction, of the food in the quantities and location established by means of Collaboration agreement which must be subscribed for this purpose”.

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That is the call that has already arrived and was answered by Mendoza. Details will be specified this week.

In fact, Human Capital assured that next week it will inform the judge which provinces joined in distributing the food and what percentage each one will receive.

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