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Cuba assumed the Presidency of the Aladi Committee of Representatives

HAVANA.- Cuba assumed the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Committee of Representatives of the Latin American Integration Association (Aladi), a permanent political body and negotiating forum with initiatives aimed at meeting the objectives set by the Treaty constituting the mechanism, the Ministry reported today. of Foreign Affairs on its website.

The text reported that in an interview for Prensa Latina, Zulan Popa Danel, Cuban ambassador to Uruguay and permanent representative to Aladi, described it as an honor to assume the presidency of the Committee, which she will hold until next December.

It is going to be a period of great activity and we have all the will and commitment to develop this task accordingly, added the diplomat.

Popa Danel highlighted that the Caribbean nation will give a constructive vision, taking into account the existing asymmetries and the countries with less relative economic development.

He added that among the objectives of the representation of the Caribbean country will be to make the group more visible from a communication point of view and highlighted the holding, in Havana, of the tenth edition of the Macro Business Roundtable Expo ALADI 2023, an event held in person, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, a result of the unilateral blockade policy imposed by the United States government.

We have every will for the presidency to support, coordinate and execute the necessary actions for the work of Aladi and increase that integration between our countries that is so necessary today, he stated.

The ambassador spoke about the work articulated with the Association’s Secretariat and the progress on issues such as the implementation of the SMEs Latinas Grandes Negocios platform, which offers tools designed for small and medium-sized businesses in the region, as well as underlining its integrationist approach. .

Aladi is the largest Latin American integration group, made up of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, in which more than 510 million inhabitants are represented, which the Caribbean nation has been a part of since 1999.

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