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Woman fights for her life in a clinic in Santa Marta; neighbor seriously attacked her for $6,000

PHOTOS: Taken from YouTube – Volando En Drone /

The authorities have already identified the aggressor, who is apparently on the run.

Caribbean News.

An incident of intolerance occurred in Santa Marta, where a woman was seriously injured by a neighbor, and all because of a debt of $6,000 for a cheese.

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The event occurred in block 2 of the Ciudad Equidad neighborhood in the capital of Magdalena last Monday, June 24. According to the known information, a woman identified as Joelis T. arrived at the home of her neighbor Alicia M. to collect the product that she owed her, but she told her that she did not have her money.

As a result of the denial of payment, the two women began to argue, which triggered a physical attack by Joelis, who went looking for a blunt object and attacked the debtor, causing two wounds on her body, according to the media, Breaking News Magdalena.

Neighbors helped her

Alicia was left lying on the floor with serious injuries and was helped by her neighbors, who, in the absence of an ambulance, took her on a motorcycle to a care center where doctors were fighting to save her life.

For her part, the aggressor fled the scene and, apparently, is a fugitive, so the authorities are looking for her to capture her and hold her accountable for what happened.

On the other hand, it was learned that this was not the first time that both women had discussions. In previous days, Joelis was attacked with a padlock, which caused a wound to her head, according to information.

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