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The Potosino Committee to Support the Palestinian People highlights the importance of placing the seriousness of the genocide against this people on the national and entity agenda.

By: Editorial

Mohamed Saadat, ambassador of Palestine in Mexico, will visit the capital of San Luis Potosí on June 27 and 28, in an effort articulated by civil society organizations, as well as activists, academics and academics who make up the Potosino Committee to Support the Palestinian People.

Regarding your visit, 3 main activities will be carried out in the state capital: The first will be a Press conference with the media on June 27 at 12:30 at the Lúminas Human Rights Center, where he will be accompanied by members of the Support Committee for the Palestinian People. The second will be the free event Palomazo for Palestine at 7:00 p.m. at the Teatro de la Paz with the participation of the groups Jarana, Tuna y Son, Canto Quetzal and Raíz Jaguar. And finally, heThe conference Free Palestine! which will take place on June 28 at 12:00 p.m. in the Interactive Room of the Law Postgraduate Program of the UASLP.

The Committee highlights the importance of placing the seriousness of the genocide against the Palestinian people on the national and federal agenda.or, as well as the responsibility of the international community regarding the demand for a ceasefire, compliance with the orders of the International Criminal Court by the State of Israel and mobilization for the Palestinian cause to the extent possible

and reach of the population in every corner of the country.

According to the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), The armed assault of the Israeli State on the Gaza Strip has taken its toll. “civilian casualties, displacement and destruction of residential structures and civil infrastructure” and among the main effects are:

  • More than 36 thousand people murdered and almost 83 thousand have been injured. Mostly women and childhoods.
  • The blockade of access to food, as well as supplies and humanitarian aid such as food or medicine.
  • The displacement of more than a million Palestinian people and the consequent overcrowding “due to Israeli military operations and evacuation orders.”

Due to the above, among other urgent needs, andThe Committee considers it important to bring the Potosí population closer to witnessing the horrors of the genocide in Gazawhich aims to become the worst humanitarian crisis that humanity has witnessed since the last century.

Additionally, the Committee has taken the necessary steps and is awaiting a response so that the Palestinian ambassador can be received by authorities of the state government, as well as the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí.

Also read: #FreePalestine | Potosinos uninformed about conflict in the Middle East


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